Recent content by 1cup

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    battle phase is misspelled. currently it's "Batile"

    battle phase is misspelled. currently it's "Batile"
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    kuriboh chaos

    i ran an enrise deck a while back. it focused on demise. using end of the world, i could just pitch enrise and special summon demise and i used advanced ritual art with archfiend soldier and i forgot what the fairy was, but it was lv 4 light fairy, ATK 1700 i think. that loaded my graveyard so...
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    Ruling reversals - Continuous Traps

    off the top of my head, stumbling. but it's a continuous spell. but it DOES use the chain
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    Royal Oppression vs Gladiator Beast

    with regards to the gladiator beat tag in/tag out effect, returning them to the deck is the cost. so, once your opponent announces that he/she will activate the effect, you then have the opportunity to flip up and pay the 800 LP to negate that effect. no other links on the chain, chain...
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    The Dark Dimension (Dark RFP)

    since dillie bumped the thread, i'll toss in my cent. whenever i build a fiend deck, two monster groups immediately come to mind: 1. dark world 2. huge ATK 1. dark world is pretty straightforward and simple. you swarm the field as you build your hand (if you're playing with card of safe...
  6. 1

    Test Tiger V face down gladiator beasts

    ok, maruno is technically correct. (which in this game, is the best kind of correct) in application, the returning of the monsters is similar to a cost, in that to attempt a contact fusion you return the monsters to the deck first, then if the fusion is negated via solemn judgment (or your...
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    Test Tiger V face down gladiator beasts

    SLAG i saw curtis's post too slow. curses maruno. yeah, i was under the impression that you couldn't contact fuse with face down either, until curtis came 'round and burst that bubble. a couple judges and i were discussing that and we came to the consensus that with contact fusion, it's a...
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    Deck Challenge for all who are Worthy!

    just as a reference in case anyone wants to know: Diskblade Rider Effect Monster (Fiend / WIND / 4 Stars / ATK 1700 / DEF 1500) Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 Normal Trap Card from your Graveyard. This card gains 500 ATK until the End Phase of your opponent's turn. Chaosrider...
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    Test Tiger V face down gladiator beasts

    test tiger's effect that sends 1 'gladiator beast' monster back to the deck to 'tag in' another one does target one face up monster. a face down 'gladiator beast' monster is inelegible to be sent back as a face down monster does not have a name, effect, ATK, DEF, type, attribute or level.
  10. 1

    A theoretical ruling for Victory Dragon.

    i'd say it's a fair ruling. it protects the work of the player who set it up so that he could win via victory dragon. i think dissension will come if the player is handed the victory in round one of the match. since ude/konami seems to be attempting to police and weed out ftk's. which is...
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    A very sad time for me...

    i'm very sorry to hear that, and i wish you nothing but the very best. i haven't had the chance to get to know your husband on a personal level, but i know that he's an intelligent man that would never wish this upon anyone. again, i'm really sorry for what happened and i hope he recovers...
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    YVD - Power Vs. Wisdom (Video)

    oceanus, if we have a requested deck we'd like to see, how do we send you the decklist? PM, email, courier pigeon?
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    YVD - Power Vs. Wisdom (Video)

    that's true. and i had weighed that as well. but the way i was seeing it, you see the duel play out. and if oceanus did the commentary at the critical moments, he'd most likely audibly reveal his hand at that moment and it'd be alright. and by duel play out, i'd watch it as a pure observer...
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    YVD - Power Vs. Wisdom (Video)

    personally, i approve of videos. i'm itching to see different playstyles on top of crazy deck ideas. i think more often than not, commentary is not necessary, unless you reach a critical juncture and your deck strategy can branch. suggestions: cut the chat menu. give better resolution for...
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    Moving Targets ???

    everything horusmaster said is true. but unfortunately, i don't think it clearly explains what's going on. e.g. trap => monster or monster => trap. i'd say it's situation specific. raigeki break vs a trap monster (let's say metal reflect slime in monster mode) raigeki break says destroy a...