Recent content by megamitennyo

  1. M

    Female Duelists who will win?

    So who do you think will win between Alexis, Blair, Taniya, Camula, Sarina, Rose, Mai, Ishizu, Rebecca, Tea, Serenity & Vivian in a duel?
  2. M


    Can i ask what are the rulings for playing a deckmaster duel will be and the effects of different deckmasters?
  3. M

    Harpie Deck

    Can someone help me build a harpie based theme deck? Notes: This is a casual play deck Cards may be more than 40 as long as it is good My friends allows me to use up to 3 harpie lady of each type. Meaning I can have up to 15 Harpie Lady in my deck. Proxy cards are also allowed as this is just...