ok at the store i play at people use effect monsters as a part of a chain but noly spell speed 2 can be used in a chain this is what happens normally
player A summons a tribe infecting virus
player B uses trap hole
player a uses tribs efect before he dies
as far as i know you cant do this am i...
i have a question about the card appropriate lets say i have one face up on the field and my opponent has 3 cards in his hand and i activate mind wipe do i draw 6 cards or only 2?
alright ir ead those links and they help alittle so how can you tell a older multi effect from other kinds of effects like it said that a multi trigger effect is a effect that a player activates himself so lets say a breaker so just to be clear i can use breakers effect on my opponents turn? my...
can anyone tell me the what exatly a multi trigger effect monster is because i thought a multi trigger is a monster that you can activate multiple times like tribe infecting virus and a regular trigger monster would be something like exiled force you can only use its effect once but i have have...
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