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  1. B

    What is on your yugioh Christmas wish list

    light and darkness dragon to come for the usa(I just want it cause of the artwork)
  2. B

    Explain your Name/Avatar/Signature

    Ummmm my name:I really think it was something random avvy:Sacred Phoenix of nephthys:IMO best card ever sig:BKSS thing Yo soy 100% Boricua de pura sepa
  3. B

    Wii Which Games???

    Zelda,SSBB and trauma center
  4. B

    DR3 Spoiler

    No,He means Humacao,Puerto Rico
  5. B

    What yugioh is better GX or normal version that funny,BTW what episode is it on now,last I saw was Ep 12(Ithink)
  6. B

    Is there a new YGO video game coming out, if it is, any good new cards?

    Hmmmmmmmmmm **coughpinchhoppercough** Weeeird coment
  7. B

    Is there a new YGO video game coming out, if it is, any good new cards?

    Am I the only who see that Brain crusher=ownage:huh ?
  8. B

    Strike of Neos Translation complete

    I already am building a deck for the warmasters
  9. B

    The CookieSlayer Collective

    You know,I was thinking a cookie torn in half but that ougta do it,BTW me want in
  10. B

    Your Country? Where u from?

    PUERTO RICO!!!!!!!!!!1 Los caballotes del mundo,prra
  11. B

    My I-don't-know-what-it-is deck

    Monsters x 25(ZOMG,THAT MANY!!!!!!? for real,didn't know) Exiled Force x2 Giant Rat x3 Hyena x3 Night Assailant x1 Hand of Nephthys x1 Ryu Kokki x1 Spirit Reaper x1 D.D Warrior Lady x1 Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys x1 Elemental Hero Wildheart x1 Thestalos The Firestorm Monarch x1 Injection Fairy...
  12. B

    Yugioh & Me

    Might as well **turns on fiend signal** and now we wait:)
  13. B

    Is this any good?

    You mean no es bueno anymore and how about another exiled force?
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    Wii Nintendo Wii

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's released 10 days before my birthday I wiil get it :dancepart
  15. B

    New Avatars Added

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finaly can own with teh phoenix
  16. B

    2 dudas

    No estoy seguro,pero de lo que sé,Rampart Blaster puede atacar directo aunque el oponente tenga monstruos y en cuanto al password,no me acuerdo,lo siento :(
  17. B

    Best saying you have heard for a card

    Fiber Jar "It teh brocolli"