I was actually thinking of making something like that my self... Thought of a Normal Deck, with Mesai and Heart of Clear Water and using both seals, other big norm monsters along with Non-Spellcasting Area and Heart of the Underdog.
Well, my own thoughts at that...
Ok how 'bout Dark Blade the Dragon Knight? His counterpart is the dark lady, and he's not affected because he removes the 3 fiends she needs for food... No romance though... hmmm
Well, I don't usually use that many tribs, but most of them are in there so they can go to the grave as soon as posible. Imagine a DMG with all 6 DM and MoBC in your grave. Or even 2 DMG on the field! Can you say outch? ^^;
Nice! Just one or two sudjestions. You could really benefit from Light of Intervention and maybe a Freed the Brave Wanderer. Light combos great with sasuke and even freed.
Brilliant! You just brought tears on my eye! ^^
This is THE fiendish trap people! I'dd like to add a comment to increase it's beauty. Let's say you got Newdoria face up and you're gonna suiside it for some field clearing and maybe some necro-swarm, hm? Let's say you're oposing a Cyber Dragon...
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