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  1. O

    Gender of various cards...

    HE was from the game Getsu Daisetsu (if I remember correctly the name) and the story said about 3 BROTHERS, Getsu being the youngest one
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    Sealmaster Meisei Deck Help

    I was actually thinking of making something like that my self... Thought of a Normal Deck, with Mesai and Heart of Clear Water and using both seals, other big norm monsters along with Non-Spellcasting Area and Heart of the Underdog. Well, my own thoughts at that...
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    Token Cards -- Do We Continue?

    :O If ya put the rest up, I'm definetly gonna print them and even put them in a binder ^_^ Sweetness!
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    YGO Card Name Game

    ....... Matazza is a man.... for sure! :haveaday_
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    YGO Card Name Game

    Blindly Loyal Goblin? EDIT: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGHHHHHHH NOT FAST ENOUGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats IT I QUIT!!!! :(((((((((((((
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    YGO Card Name Game

    it wouldn't be Soul of Purity and Light now would it... edit: never mind, my brain is just melting...
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    YGO Card Name Game

    Patrician of Darkness (he's ugly as hell)
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    YGO Card Name Game

    How about Legendary Jujitsu Master? (or has that been guessed allready... I'm loosing track here!)
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    YGO Card Name Game

    Nobleman of Extermination? opposed to Nobleman of Crossout? (hm both "men" huh...) Edit: how about Susa Soldier?
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    YGO Card Name Game

    The Warrior Returning Alive... for the sake of a loved one? :huh_jedi: edit: oooh 2 butt ins at once... sweet
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    YGO Card Name Game

    Hm hm... Dramatic Rescue?
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    YGO Card Name Game

    Ok how 'bout Dark Blade the Dragon Knight? His counterpart is the dark lady, and he's not affected because he removes the 3 fiends she needs for food... No romance though... hmmm
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    YGO Card Name Game

    Yeap, and her couner part is sure to be man (Dragon Manipulator) Edit: smelly butt Jason
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    Dark Magician of Black Chaos

    Well, I don't usually use that many tribs, but most of them are in there so they can go to the grave as soon as posible. Imagine a DMG with all 6 DM and MoBC in your grave. Or even 2 DMG on the field! Can you say outch? ^^;
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    YGO Card Name Game

    Zombyra the Dark? Unknown Warrior of Fiend???
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    YGO Card Name Game

    Goblin Attack Force? Oposed to Lei Lei? (well, the name IS a bit girl-ish) edit: wow 2 butt in's at once! and I do hope Jason is kidding Oo
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    Updated Light deck...maybe for Regionals.

    Nice! Just one or two sudjestions. You could really benefit from Light of Intervention and maybe a Freed the Brave Wanderer. Light combos great with sasuke and even freed.
  18. O

    fiend deck needs help

    Brilliant! You just brought tears on my eye! ^^ This is THE fiendish trap people! I'dd like to add a comment to increase it's beauty. Let's say you got Newdoria face up and you're gonna suiside it for some field clearing and maybe some necro-swarm, hm? Let's say you're oposing a Cyber Dragon...
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    YGO Card Name Game

    Errr how 'bout The Creator Incarnate? edit: benjamin butted in... what a scare
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    YGO Card Name Game

    Errr Scarr, Scout of Dark World? (mate you're killing me here...) Edit: Scratch that... not a fiend, got it...