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  1. Barty64

    Holla ma Amigos

    Oh ok, no worries, it just sounded interesting with how they could have worked
  2. Barty64

    Holla ma Amigos

    You have peeked my curiousity tho, I am wondering how these two work as good counters?
  3. Barty64

    Holla ma Amigos

    Ah I haven't updated my team since june and I haden't even considered regulation D team building yet. I know I should keep trying, I just can't quite get into pokemon as much as I did in every other genartion, so it's making it hard for myself to catch up to my previous skill level, both in...
  4. Barty64

    Holla ma Amigos

    I've got back into the competitive pokemon recently, I stopped after I got stuck in Ultra Ball rank facing multiple ting-lu's teams
  5. Barty64

    Digital Jedi Master "Peter Pan and Wendy" ⚡ Quick Review

    Good to know, I have been interested in the movie. Sound like I need to give it a shot.
  6. Barty64

    I could never truly leave, this was my online home for to long

    I could never truly leave, this was my online home for to long
  7. Barty64

    I come on to have a look around from time to time mostly to see what is going on. I'll try to...

    I come on to have a look around from time to time mostly to see what is going on. I'll try to show up a lot more regularly. I struggled to get into VS myself, MTG on the other hand is something that I play on and off, so I might be able to spend some time floating around MTG section now that is up
  8. Barty64

    HI DJ, yes I pop in every once in a while.

    HI DJ, yes I pop in every once in a while.
  9. Barty64

    Need clarification on the Stack

    Yeah, that is something you can do, it does feel cheap, but is allowed within the rules.
  10. Barty64

    Switch Pokémon Scarlet/Violet

    I definitely recommend Arceus, I feel it is the best pokemon I have played since X and Y, although I am baised given I haven't thought much of the story in recent games.
  11. Barty64


    More like a permament part of the scenery
  12. Barty64


    Hello to all, this old timer is still around, I just visit occasionally.
  13. Barty64

    whos that mokemon

  14. Barty64

    Happy Holidays

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
  15. Barty64

    .g`` is our latest member!

    Hello and a belated Welcome To The City!!!
  16. Barty64

    whos that mokemon

    Not that one :-D
  17. Barty64

    whos that mokemon

    Nope not smeagle
  18. Barty64

    whos that mokemon

  19. Barty64

    whos that mokemon

    cool here it is then - Clue number 1) Let me show you, what I've seen