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  1. W

    YSD2006 Question?

    I heard and saw, that your supposed to get a special edtion Sparkman with it, is that true. i only ask this cause i picked one up and never got the Special edition sparkman, was it limited time, or are there certain decks that have him instead of the bladedge card?
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    YuGiOh! Manga Question.

    Yah I Just Picked Up YuGiOh! Duelist Vol.13 And I Noticed In The Back It Says "Coming APRIL 2006"? Is This A typo? I Thought the Duelist series Was Released Monthly? Did they go back to releasing it every other month like they used to? Any help would be greatly apperciated! ThanX Alot!
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    Monster Reincarnation + Serial Spell + Emergency Provisions

    'K now i know how to work the MR and SS part of the combo but how would EP fit into the equation? Help would be appericiated cause im really confused lol! Oh and in duel examples would help me see how to work it alot better, if its not to much trouble! ThanX!!!
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    About The Toons...

    I have a question about two of the toons, Toon Gemini Elf and Toon Masked Sorcerer. Are they treated as spellcasters, by that i mean could they work well with most of the cards in the new spellcaster structure deck? Just wanted to know cause they are Spellcaster/Toon and that kinda confused me...
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    YGO Vid Games Query...

    In The Following Games: Nightmare Trubadour, 7 Trials To Glory, And The New Duel Acadamy. What Sets Do They Have In Them? Just Curious So That I Know What There Is Available To Me When I Construct My Virtual Deck! ThanX A Bunch!!!
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    Injection Fairy Lily + Cybernetic Magician= ?

    If i were to use CM's effect on IFL would i then be able to increase her attack from 2000 to 5000 via her effect since its after the new attack is applied? ThanX Alot For The Help!
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    Serial Spell + Monster Reincarnation = ?

    As the title says, how would that work? How many cards would need to be discarded? I'm really confuzed and not really good with figuring out things lol! ThanX for the help!
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    A Quick Question

    At The SOI Sneek Peak, Whats The Promo Card Going To Be? And When Do The YGOGX Character Packs Come Out? ThanX!
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    About GX

    When does yugioh gx start? I thought it wasn't for awhile but i flipped to my local station and BAM the first episode of gx! Kid's WB is still showin' GC and the still need to show Millenium World, but isn't Cartoon Network showing GX now?
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    Ancient Gear Golem QandA

    On the card it says " This card cannot be Special Summoned." Now what i want to know is does that mean he can't be SS in any way? Can he be removed then brought back with RFTDD or Dimension Fusion? Thanks for the help!
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    Another XYZ QandA!

    I have a question about XYZ's effect, on the card it says discard 1 card to destroy 1 card on your opponent's side of the field, my question is, is there a limit to how many cards i can discard during the turn, sort of like to destroy more than one card even though it will cost most if not all...
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    2 Questions! TLM Related!

    My first question deals with Card Of Sanctity and Serial Spell. If i chained SP to CoS would i have to remove all cards again or would i just draw 2 extra cards? My second question deals with Level Conversion Lab and Jinzo. If i lowered Jinzo's level with LCL since he negates traps would his...
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    TLM Tournament Legal

    When does TLM become tournament legal? My guess is it will be on july 1st. Thanks for the help! Oh, where can you go to find out when sets will be tournament legal?
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    Help With Targeting!

    This is one thing i have never been clear on, what is considered targeting? I always thought when the card said choose one monster etc... but lately i have checked some rulings and it gets me all confuzed! Sort of like "unless it specifically designates a target." How do yo know what cards...
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    After The Struggle Question?

    ON the card it says destroy all monster cards that were involved in damage calculation at the end step. Now what i want to know is could i attack a stronger monster like Vampire Lord vs Blue Eyes White Dragon i would still take the damage but would BEWD be destroyed? One more thing is could i...
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    Confused with Snatch Steal?

    Yah i just noticed on the DB1 version of Snatch Steal it says "Take control of a monster on your opponent's side of the field that is equipped with this card" Does that mean i can take control of facedown monsters as well? Because on the old version it says face-up only? Please Help!
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    Help With Kaibaman!

    His effect says "Tribute this card to Special Summon 1 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from your hand." What i want to know is can i summon then right after sacrifice him for BEWD or do i have to wait one turn? I also want to know can he be face down when i sacrifice him? Thanks!
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    A few more questions?

    With Silent Swordsman LV3, would it be affected by a card like dark hole or any card that would say "monsters on your opponents side of the field" or "select one of your opponents monsters".And would this also applie to SSLV5 too? Also i just read the ruling for Dimension Fusion and i saw...
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    Legal Date

    Yah i wanna know when the Flaming Eternity cards become tournament legal. Thanks!
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    Couple Questions?

    Alright first Question deals with Enemy Controller, with the first effect if i activate it during the battle phase would it negate the attack before it's switched to defense mode or would the attack hit then switch? Second Question deals with DECK DEVESTATION VIRUS, would i send the monster...