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  1. I

    some questions

    first: if a player has a royal opression and the other persons pheonix is summoned with its effect. does the pheonixes effect(destroys all spell and traps) still happen if the other player negates the summon? second: if a player has 2 ring of magnetism attached to two different monsters the...
  2. I

    need ideas on a des wombat deck...

    Card # TLM-EN031 Des Wombat EARTH / beast / level 3 / effect Attack 1600 Defense 300 Effect Any damage to you from a card effect becomes 0. The idea is to make a deck based on this card and "Dark Snake Syndrome" Card # PGD-087 Dark Snake Syndrome Spell Continuous Text...
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    i need help on it badly imo it is a 41 card deck Monsters(16) tributes(3) x1 Sacred Pheonix of Nephthys x1 Jinzo x1 Mobius the Frost Monarch non-tributes(13) x2 Berserk Gorilla x2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x1 Chiron the mage x1 d.d. assailant x1 d.d. warrior lady x1 twin headed...
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    secret pass to the treasures question

    these are some questions i would like to know the answer to. 1: can Secret Pass to the Treasures be used ond say... armed samurai-ben kai then can the player with ben kai equip it with axe then attack directly when still equiped with Axe of Despair? this is just another question out of...
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    Breaker vs. RoD

    awhile ago i was playing and my friend summoned Breaker the Magical Warrior and i actived RoD to destroy breaker and win doing 1900 damage to both of us, but he says that he brakes my Gravity Bind my Gravity Bind and breaker would only do 1600 to both of us. leaving him at 200. can he do...
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    divine wrath Vs: Jinzo

    I have a question about Divine Wrath and Jinzo, Eagle Eye, doom manta... if Player A summons Jinzo then could Player B chain Divine Wrath to the summon of Jinzo and negate the effect and kill it?
  7. I

    level limit-area B

    if I play level limit-area B and my opponent chains final attack orders to it what happens? :? :?