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  1. J

    correct me if I'm wrong but... (ultimate offering question)

    I'm not entirely sure I understand the difference this makes. I thought it was simply a matter of the target is not picked until resolution, so what was in your hand before is irrelevant. Good catch on the optional trigger timing!
  2. J

    correct me if I'm wrong but... (ultimate offering question)

    It's an ignition effect, spell speed 1. So it can only begin a chain; it can never be added to an existing one. Other than that you've pretty much got everything down. :edit And I think on that last one, since it isn't targetting at activation, there's no need to even make mention of what you...
  3. J

    Chimeratech Overdragon vs RftDD/Dimension Fusion

    Are you certain of this? Because I would think if Skill Drain were already active, he would have 0/0 immediately upon summoning.
  4. J

    Chimeratech Overdragon vs RftDD/Dimension Fusion

    Am I severely confused about this whole situation, or is Overdragon a nomi, unable to be summoned under any circumstances except those described exactly in its text?
  5. J

    The Official Create-A-Card Thread.

    Des Marmot Effect Monster (Beast / Earth / 2 Stars / ATK 1000 / DEF 200) As long as this card remains face up on your side of the field, whenever a monster under your control shifts to the opponent's control, the ATK of this monster is doubled. Next Card: Acorns
  6. J

    Taking (another) break.

    I was in desperate need of some creative new away messages, so I began googling fragments of old songs I remembered hearing my parents listen to when I could barely talk. I came across this: Styx - Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man) Lyrics (Tommy Shaw) You see the world through your cynical...
  7. J

    YGO Card Name Game

    Sillva, Warlord of Dark World?
  8. J

    How do I check my UDE number ranking?

  9. J

    Your Country? Where u from?

    Knightdale, North Carolina. Shooting distance from Hickory. I think. Okay, I don't know where Hickory is. :-:
  10. J


    Heh, I stopped a long time ago. It got too boring because I couldn't ever lose.:D
  11. J


    I fail. :(
  12. J


    "Emphatically" is not a demeaning term. It is an enforcing term. It is a term often used to dispel rumors, with the intention of making it clear that the rumor is not just questionable but rather established as false. Actually, those two are unrelated to each other. There's nothing wrong with...
  13. J


    It also includes intentionally altering the levels of BOTs that other characters fight for no specific purpose other than to influence those players, positively or negatively. :edit Oh wait, you said that. Well, I can't delete this post.
  14. J

    Are the rulings in Upper Deck Entertainment different/outdated?

    He is Kevin Tewart, who is sort of top dog at UDE. It is important to note that although Kevin makes a lot of judgments about the rulings of the game, he has NO POWER WHATSOEVER to change official rulings or card text. If there is ambiguous text involved from Konami, Kevin can make a decision...
  15. J

    and today's sign of the apocolypse is...

    I would like to extend my congratulations to general Caesar for his recent victory over stupidity. I would also like to warn President Lincoln that his legacy shall ultimately bring about the division of the Empire and the Huns will overcome us. I'd wait for Captain Archer, but I don't think...
  16. J

    Did Anyone Else get To Toys R'Us Only to Be Turned Away?

    The adult workers there wanted it all to themselves, of course. :angry
  17. J

    A mathematician walks into a bar, sits down, and...

    I didn't say they did. ;) He asked if there were Chinese bears; I proved that there where. He didn't ask if there were Chinese bears that went dormant in the winter. Details, details, spam... I didn't use a ] to close it. I just didn't close it at all; that is, I was very tired and forgot to do...
  18. J

    Cold Wave vs. Skill Drain

    Do a forum search of "ad hominem" and read through all those threads. You will never be bored again.
  19. J

    Cold Wave vs. Skill Drain

    I shall resist the urge.