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  1. D

    Gladiator's Assault Preview?

    Does enyone know if there is going to be a Gladiator's Assault Preview in Iowa on November 3rd or 4th? I was just checking for it and there doesn't seem to be any listing for Iowa at all.
  2. D

    First (unconfirmed) banlist 01/09/'07

    Honestly, I Hope this is true. I have been plkaying since Yu-Gi-Oh came out in the USA, but I have been playing in tournaments for little over 1 1/2 yaers. I wouldn't mind playing Tribe-Infecting Virus. Besides there are plenty of other deck strategies to play. Like Crystal Beasts and Exodia. It...
  3. D

    March 1, 2007 Restriction List

    Aww C***. I had just built a Fiend deck that revolved around Snipe Hunter. First tournament play I got 2nd place with it. I will have to cut sangan, Graceful Charity, and mirror force. I don't mind having Pot of Greed back. Tell you the truth I sarted to go to turnaments about 1 year and 2...
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    Non-Spellcasting Area vs. Delta Attacker

    So you are saying that if I have 3 Blue-eyes White Dragon face up on the field and a Non-Spellcasting Area active; I can activate a Delta Attacker to attack directly?
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    my main deck

    WHAT! No Nimble Momonga?
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    Non-Spellcasting Area vs. Delta Attacker

    Here is a scenario I am trying to wrap my head around for a few days: I have 3 Normal monsters of the same name, say Vorse Raider. I have Non-Spellcasting Area active on my side of the field. I want to activate Delta Attacker from my hand. UDE rules are quoted as DELTA ATTACKER After...
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    Side Deck: Divine Wrath or Solemn Judgement?

    I tried Kaiser Glider before, it doesn't work as well as you'd hope. Try Mobius the Frost Monarch instead or another Dark Ruler Ha Des.
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    Side Deck: Divine Wrath or Solemn Judgement?

    I would use 2 copies of Divine Wrath. Look at it this way, if you are running Night Assailant and Treeborn Frog you could all ways send these cards to the grave.
  9. D

    Different Chain Strike Burn-type deck.

    Here is my idea of a burn deck: 9 Monsters 2 Cyber Dragon 3 The Agent Of Creation - Venus 3 Mystical Shine Ball 1 Morphing Jar 12 Spells 3 Chain Strike 2 Double Snare 2 Poison of the Old Man 1 Premature Burial 1 Graceful Charity 2 Smashing Ground 1 Mystical Space Typhoon 21 Traps 3 Solar...
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    What the Yugioh Movie???

    Will someone please post the site they found it on? NOW!
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    2007 Shonen Jump Championships!

    Does any body know when UDE will post the Shonen Jump Dates? There are absolutly none listed for the entire 2007 year yet!
  12. D

    2007 Shonen Jump Championships!

    I am planning on going as well, it's just that the address listed is: The Gateway Center One Gateway Center Collinsville, IL 62234 I am lokking into it now but according to this it is acctually in Illinoies.
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    Monarch Toolbox

    Because everyone uses D.D. Warrior Lady and D.D. Assailant.
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    Monarch Toolbox

    This will be my first deck post. It is not like most monarch decks, but it gets the job done most of the time. For the record no one is to suggest putting in Smashing Ground or Sakuretsu Armor! 19 Monsters 1 Dark Ruler Ha Des 1 Zaborg the Thunder Monarch 2 Mobius the Frost Monarch 3 Cyber...
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    spellcaster deck neeeds urgent help for tourney!!!

    What! No Dark Magician! With 3 Skilled Dark Magicians you need the original.
  16. D

    Victory Dragon = Shonen Jump Mag. Promo

    Those who have a subscription to Shonen Jump should have realised that we just recieved Novembers Issue just before October. Just before/in November will be Decembers followed by Janurarys just before/in December. If you don't believe me just look at the date on your newly recieved issue!
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    Victory Dragon = Shonen Jump Mag. Promo

    It is just a rumor though, but the anniversary edition would be the Janurary 2007 edition. So it would be out in December 2006.
  18. D

    Victory Dragon = Shonen Jump Mag. Promo

    I just happen to work with a fellow yu-gi-oh player. We were talking about the shonen jump mag. promos (wegot our Magician's Valkyria yesterday) when asked if I had herd enything about the anniversery promo. I said no. He said he herd it was Victory Dragon. Enyone else hear about this?
  19. D

    Victory Dragon = Shonen Jump Mag. Promo

    I just happen to work with a fellow yu-gi-oh player. We were talking about the shonen jump mag. promos (wegot our Magician's Valkyria yesterday) when asked if I had herd enything about the anniversery promo. I said no. He said he herd it was Victory Dragon. Enyone else hear about this.
  20. D

    "The Bunny Deck"

    To bad you are not up here in Iowa anymore. That lookd interresting to play against. I will have to post my Exodia, Monarch, and Removal decks soon. For now I think I will put yours to gether to see how it works up. Just for fun at least.