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  1. L

    Zombies Taking the top again

    Hey, ive been working on my zombie deck, with new vigor because of mezuki. Still the same concept as before, Abuing COSR while maintaing mass feild presence. This deck is wide open to suggestions, critisicm, etc. I havent played since the restricting of riaza, so im a bit rusyt Here we go...
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    Can Zombies reclaim the throne?

    Hey guys/gals, long time no post, i know. Im deployed somewhere, and time moves like pond water around here. Ive mainly been doing deck editing on paper, not really finding what i wanted to build. Everywhere i look, its DaD this, Or Light sworn that. And they are truly great decks, both needing...
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    Burn that can Transform(Sidedeck) Into Monarch (help needed please)

    Hello all, hows it hangin? Well, i got this idea from One of adam corns deck's, he had a deck that could side into a completley different deck. I belive this is an amazing trick that can really throw off an oppenant. Well, here i go. Im going to try it with Burn/Monarch (Note-All the cards...
  4. L

    Does Dimension wall work for direct attacks?

    hey, im usually inclined for finding my own answers, but this one is confusing me. By the wording, i wouldnt say it does.But then again, this is yu-gi-oh..things arent all that simple. so does Dimension Wall (You can only activate this card when your opponent declares an attack with a monster...
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    New Shrink Ruling?

    I Firmly belive in rules, but not when they are as idiotic as this (And cost me first place) Well, to make a long, angry story less long, here i go. I was entered in a local tourney, five dollar enterence fee and since over 20 people entered, first prize was a tactial evolution box. So, here i...
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    Any Sig Makers Out there? (Paying In Points)

    hiya Folks, Im looking for someone who can make me a nice sig...I would love a nice sig with water monsters in it, preferbly Levia Dragon, Mobious, TreeBorn Frog, Or/And Sininster Serpent. All i ask is for an estimate and instructions on how to make it work..(where to paste it Etc.) Look Foward...
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    My Very Different Water Deck (For new Format)

    hiya guys, i want to see if i missed anyhting am very proud of this deck, being one of the few decks i actually built from scratch, no looking to other decks for a guideline. This, My wonderfull freinds, is my *Response before battle calculation* water deck..(Or as i like to...
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    I Traded My Entire Monarch Deck....

    hey, this guy walked into the shop where we play at, and he really liked my deck. Now, i guess he didnt know that the next banlist is going to really cripple the monarchs, but he really wanted my deck. he offered his monarch deck, and his red 4 gb ipod. i thought about it for a while, and...
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    Crystal Fortune Teller VS Dekoichi (who will reign supreme?)

    hiya guys, i was reviewing the Tactical Evolution spoiler list, and i came across this card. for those who do not knows its effect, it is as follows Crystal Fortune Teller Water/Spellcaster 1 star 100/100 Flip- look at the top two cards of your deck, select one of them and add it to your...
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    Macro Monarch Madness

    Lame name I know... I'm just hoping for some suggestions and comments on the deck I'm trying to create as Competitive as possible... thats it thanx again Tribs 6 3 Raiza the Storm Monarch 3 Mobius the Frost Monarch Non-Tribs 14 3 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive 3 DD Survivor 2 DD Scout...
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    Yu-GI-Oh "Grab Bags" Opinion

    I was surfing The Almighty Ebay looking for deals, when i noticed the outstanding amount of "Grab Bags" for sale. For those who do not know what a grab bag is, It is when a dealer has, for example, a SJC Shrink, A SJC Crush Card, a SJC Des voltergaph, And a BPT Jinzo for sale. (those amazing...
  12. L

    Trap Dustshoot The Newest Fad?

    I was looking over the top 16 decklists, and it seems that every person either ran it in thier main deck or in thier side deck. I understand its a great card, but why the massive use? Can someone explain this to me? Do you think this is just a fad, or a permament installment, like sakaretsu?
  13. L

    having a little problem with metagame's top 16 decklists from detroit..

    hiya, i was doing some research on metagame(i hope im not offending my using thier site, there isnt like a rivalry bewteen the two is there?) I was reviewing the top 16 decklists, and i cannot find lazaro badillo's decklist (i kinda look up to him) Is anyone else having the same problem? I mean...
  14. L

    Best tribute Engine?(best replicating monsters)

    hiya guys, i was doing some deck editing and i have alot of choices for tribute engines. I mean, i can choose from hydrogeddons, Nimbles, Apprentice,Petens,GK Spy,Giant Germ Etc. so, i just wanted to ask your opinion's, who is the best tribute engine? And why do you think so? IMHO, i would have...
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    My Current Monarch Deck

    (Just to clear things up, this is my main deck, My other post is for a prospect alteration) Hey guys..since its my birthday i hope i can get away with posting two articles at the same time >.>. This is the deck i Currently use and it does fine. But, Everything can be upgraded, i hope ya'll can...
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    My New Monarch Deck(Possibly)

    Hello guys, i was surfing online and i found new twist to monarchs...the way i see it its looks fine, but id rather get some more feedback (if you'd be so kind) 2 Apprentice Magician 3 Cyber Dragon 3 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive 1 Jinzo 2 Mystic Tomato 3 Old Vindictive Magician 3 Raiza...
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    some people take this game too far....(hear me out)

    in only two weeks, i've got into 2 verbal and potentially physical confrontions. The first time, my freind was selling cards, and he called me over to get a price quote. The buyer didnt like my quote, and started to call me out of my name. I let that one slide. The second time, i was playing...
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    Question about warrior of atlantis

    the wording on the card kind of confuses me. it reads You can discard this card to the Graveyard to add 1 "A Legendary Ocean" from your Deck to your hand. can you use his affect from the hand or the field? in other words, do you have to tribute him from the field to get the effect, or can you do...
  19. L

    Any Thoughts on the next ban list?

    i always seem to get the worst luck. When i built my darkworld, they banned gracefull. When my water deck was as it's prime, they banned sinister and tribe. Now that im running monarch, one of my buddies commented that they might restrich each monarch to one (except raiser and granmarg). so...
  20. L

    Suggestions For My Monarch Deck?

    Hey, i run a monarch deck and i was wondering if anyone see's anything that needs fixin. ^-^ (also sent this to jathro for help, just thought i should put that out there) (The Blueprint i used for this deck was Lazaro Bellido's Old Monarch Deck) 2 Thestalos 2 raiser 3 mobious 1 zaborg 3...