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  1. D

    polymization question

    Stupid Question #??: This actually relates to an RP a friend is involved in, not to game play. But if you are going to unpolymerize something, how would you do it? What else is there out there besides Mispolymerization? Does anything counteract Super Polymerization?
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    Terminology Article, It's Done, THANK GAWD!!

    You might. It's a very nice article, with lots of information..... :)
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    Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Name Game

    Well, that lets me out... Oh, well, saves me from having to try to come up with a clue. Writing clues is difficult!
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    Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Name Game

    Are we getting warmer or colder?
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    ownage197 is the Latest Member of CoG, Please Say Hello!

    Welcome to the politest TCG forum on earth! :D
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    No Mayhem For Me

    Walmart has cut down there supply up here too. The card aisle shrank in half, and then in half again. I originally thought it was in order to put in tourist items (fridge magnets, postcards, mugs and shot glasses) for the tourist season, but it's never expanded again. Both the TCG and the...
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    Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Name Game

    I was going for Dartz.... But I gave up on anyone getting it, the guesses where getting farther and farther afield, and I felt given my clue Pegasus actually made a lot of sense as an answer. Coming up with clues is hard! :-D
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    Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Name Game

    Okay -- I give up. Didn't think I'd made it this hard. I was actually going for Dartz, but given my clue, I think Pegasus was a really sensible guess, and I'll accept it. Barty, you're up!
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    Upper Deck Wins Major Victory in Support of Worldwide Yu-Gi-Oh! Players

    Hot off the presses, a update on the court case from California:
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    Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Name Game

    Gah -- good guesses! But you're not there yet.... I didn't think it would be this hard. *facepalm* Hint -- the misspelling in the last line is on purpose..... (and I never said I was good at making these things up.... sorry......):good:
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    WTF? happened in here... where's everyone?!?!

    Wonderful sigline!!!:-D
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    I think I got facebook fixed on my end -- I sent a new friend request to you. I was going to...

    I think I got facebook fixed on my end -- I sent a new friend request to you. I was going to check on whether there was an update to Ronin and the link isn't working? Is someone cybersquatting on your account name? Do you have a new one???
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    Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Name Game

    Okay, here goes: One of blue and shadows, One of gold and light, Who am eye?
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    Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Name Game

    Oh, no... Does that mean I have to make up the next one? I knew I had the spelling wrong.... But I knew there was a R in it somewhere, Espe just wasn't right... Give me time to think of a clue...
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    Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Name Game

    Esper Roba Don't know If I spelled it right and it's too late to look it up.
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    I blocked you on facebook? When on earth did I do that? Good grief -- it wasn't on purpose! I...

    I blocked you on facebook? When on earth did I do that? Good grief -- it wasn't on purpose! I think I was cleaning out the notifications "SO&SO wants to share SPAM APPS with YOU!!" and probably just hit it by accident. I'm hardly ever on facebook, but tell me how to unblock you and I'll do...
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    The Orichalcos Conspiracy

    The original ebay link is gone, but two others showed up: Look at the little Yugioh hologram in the corner -- it isn't there... Look at the card set number -- OR-VIP01 (in Japanese (?) ) and OR-EN01 (in English) -- neither of these are real card set numbers. (Or whatever they're officially...
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    card sleeving... what's okay? what's not?

    We discovered this last weekend that the silvery ones are opaque, the copper ones ... aren't..... You can see the card backs through them -- which means if you are sleeving your deck because the cards are too beat up to pass a deck inspection, they won't work. Drat. Because at least they fit...
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    card sleeving... what's okay? what's not?

    That's the thing -- they aren't common around here at the moment, at least not in Yugioh size -- you flat out have to order them off the internet. One store got some smaller sleeves in at our request, but he chose to get the ones with dragons and elves and things on the backs -- I suppose they...