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    We're Not Just Open, We're Grand Open

    0.o been so long since i have been on this site i almost forgot about it. how has everyone been?
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    42 cards total 19 monsters 29 spells 4 traps monsters 3x gigaplant 2x blazewing butterfly 1x tytannial 2x lonefire blossom 1x plaguespreader zombie 2x copy plant 2x UFO turtle 1x nettles 1x sangan 1x morphing jar 2x Cyber Valley 1x Dandylion spells 1x United We Stand 2x Mark Of The Rose 3x...
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    Updated! new ideas?
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    i guess i should have posted my extra
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    Monster 1x Dark Armed Dragon 2x Destiny Hero - Plasma 2x Destiny Hero - Malicious 2x Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude 1x Sangan 1x Plaguespreader Zombie 2x Krebons 2x Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV6 1x Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV8 1x Cyber Dragon 1x Elemental Hero Stratos 3x Necro Gardna 1x Card...
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    lightsworn - no jd

    updated the deck and got some new cards
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    lightsworn - no jd

    ok i give you one thing it was severely fast... ...but i lost my tourney because i decked twice against the same guy... 1 needle worm killed me.. ...back to at least 45 i go
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    lightsworn - no jd

    i will try to run it a few times at 40 and see how it goes, but i still think its going to deck too fast.
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    lightsworn - no jd

    i am trying different things... atm i have it to 46... and it seems a bit faster, but at 40 i deck out too fast
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    lightsworn - no jd

    thanks for the ideas... however... the deck being at 40 is too low... i worry about deck out as it is and its at 50... i can see removing a few things but all my traps...i dont know..
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    lightsworn - no jd

    updated! i got all 3 honest and a judgment!
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    Dark Legends Spoiler!

    i bought 6 packs and pulled a d-draw, i was happy
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    Dark Legends Spoiler!

    some of mine as well, but i like it at the same time.. now i can get dark bribe, solemn, d-draw, and Malicious
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    Dark Legends Spoiler!

    DLG1-EN000 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness DLG1-EN001 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon DLG1-EN002 Blue-Eyes White Dragon DLG1-EN003 Flame Swordsman DLG1-EN004 Dark Magician DLG1-EN005 Gaia the Fierce Knight DLG1-EN006 Raigeki DLG1-EN007 Fissure DLG1-EN008 Trap Hole...
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    awesome forums hope i can build mine half as good.

    awesome forums hope i can build mine half as good.
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    Horus, Jinzo Deck Need Reviews

    if i have all 3 on the field, the only thing someone can do is use effects from graveyard... or summon something higher.. flip effects still don't activate due to plasma level modulation and level up are not needed as much but it is user preference. if you want try phantom of chaos and...
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    Horus, Jinzo Deck Need Reviews

    i run a deck that uses horus, plasma, and royal decree i call it HPD Lockdown because it negates spells traps and monster effects ill be back later to give more ideas on this deck, feel free to look at mine (in sig)
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    Introduction to Zombie Jesus!

    welcome, and enjoy
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    lightsworn - no jd

    has been updated! i finally got 1 honest