2 4/1/06 decks from the COG YVD tournament champion


RIP Jacob KT 2/16/06

1|Mrd|Magician of Faith
1|Mfc|Breaker the Magical Warrior
3|Pgd|Spirit Reaper
1|Dbt|D.D. Assailant
1|Dcr|D.D. Warrior Lady
2|Mfc|Magical Merchant
1|Lod|Exiled Force
1|Ct1|Blade Knight
1|Tp5|Big Shield Gardna
1|Pgd|Don Zaloog
1|Ast|Night Assailant

3|Ioc|Smashing Ground
1|Mrd|Heavy Storm
1|Mrl|Mystical Space Typhoon
1|Psv|Premature Burial
2|Lod|Reinforcement of the Army
1|Pgd|Book of Moon
2|Psv|Nobleman of Crossout
1|Een|Pot of Avarice
1|Sdp|Graceful Charity
1|Mrl|Snatch Steal

3|Dcr|Sakuretsu Armor
1|Dod|Widespread Ruin
1|Psv|Dust Tornado
1|Lon|Torrential Tribute
1|Psv|Call of the Haunted
2|Lod|Bottomless Trap Hole
1|Mrd|Mirror Force

2|Sp2|Ancient Lamp
1|Lod|Mysterious Guard
1|Ioc|Chaos Sorcerer
1|Dod|Widespread Ruin
3|Soi|Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
2|Sod|Mobius the Frost Monarch
1|Soi|Treeborn Frog
1|Lod|Bottomless Trap Hole
1|Sod|Mystic Swordsman LV2
1|Ast|Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

Monarch control:

2|Mrd|Magician of Faith
1|Mfc|Breaker the Magical Warrior
3|Pgd|Spirit Reaper
1|Dcr|D.D. Warrior Lady
1|Ast|Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
1|Soi|Treeborn Frog
2|Mfc|Apprentice Magician
1|Mfc|Old Vindictive Magician
1|Dbt|D.D. Assailant
2|Mfc|Magical Merchant
1|Ioc|Chaos Sorcerer
1|Sod|Mobius the Frost Monarch
1|Ast|Night Assailant

3|Ioc|Smashing Ground
1|Mrd|Heavy Storm
1|Mrl|Mystical Space Typhoon
1|Psv|Premature Burial
1|Pgd|Book of Moon
2|Psv|Nobleman of Crossout
1|Een|Pot of Avarice
1|Sdp|Graceful Charity
1|Mrl|Snatch Steal

3|Dcr|Sakuretsu Armor
1|Lon|Torrential Tribute
1|Psv|Call of the Haunted
2|Lod|Bottomless Trap Hole
1|Mrd|Mirror Force

2|Sp2|Ancient Lamp
1|Dod|Widespread Ruin
1|Mrl|Mystic Tomato
1|Lod|Bottomless Trap Hole
1|Mfc|My Body as a Shield
1|Fet|Hand of Nephthys
1|Fet|Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
7|DUH!|cards I havn't decided on
Oh, LOL. I guess that makes sense...

Well, i guess i could use some side deck suggestions. In case people didn't realize, the side decked lamps are for cyber end otk.

Don't get it?

Opponent used trunade. Opponent plays cyberstien. opponent pays 5k for cyber end. Opponent plays Megamorph on cyber end. Opponent attacks face down lamp. Oponnent is now attacking their own cyberstien. You opponent has been beaten on his own turn without the use of a card that inflicts effect damage. your opponent has been PWNED.
exiledforcefreak said:
2|Sp2|Ancient Lamp
1|Dod|Widespread Ruin
1|Mrl|Mystic Tomato
1|Lod|Bottomless Trap Hole
1|Mfc|My Body as a Shield
1|Fet|Hand of Nephthys
1|Fet|Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
7|DUH!|cards I havn't decided on
on this side deck i would take out Hand of Nephthys allthough it does help with summoning Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys when it gets put in the deck you may not get it when you require it most but personal choice in the end.
now that i have said that to fill up what remains in your side deck i would suggest would be Scapegoat, Mataza the Zapper, Reflect Bounder, Sasuke Samurai or Mystic Swordsman LV2, Ojama Trio, Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch and Winged Kuriboh.
the other part of the monachs deck i've been impressed with and there is only one change in the warrior i would be tempted to make is putting in one spirt reaper from your deck into the side deck and replacing it with one the Ancient Lamp's in your side deck!!!
exiledforcefreak said:

1|Mrd|Magician of Faith
1|Mfc|Breaker the Magical Warrior
3|Pgd|Spirit Reaper
1|Dbt|D.D. Assailant
1|Dcr|D.D. Warrior Lady
2|Mfc|Magical Merchant
1|Lod|Exiled Force
1|Ct1|Blade Knight
1|Tp5|Big Shield Gardna
1|Pgd|Don Zaloog
1|Ast|Night Assailant

3|Ioc|Smashing Ground
1|Mrd|Heavy Storm
1|Mrl|Mystical Space Typhoon
1|Psv|Premature Burial
2|Lod|Reinforcement of the Army
1|Pgd|Book of Moon
2|Psv|Nobleman of Crossout
1|Een|Pot of Avarice
1|Sdp|Graceful Charity
1|Mrl|Snatch Steal

3|Dcr|Sakuretsu Armor
1|Dod|Widespread Ruin
1|Psv|Dust Tornado
1|Lon|Torrential Tribute
1|Psv|Call of the Haunted
2|Lod|Bottomless Trap Hole
1|Mrd|Mirror Force

2|Sp2|Ancient Lamp
1|Lod|Mysterious Guard
1|Ioc|Chaos Sorcerer
1|Dod|Widespread Ruin
3|Soi|Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
2|Sod|Mobius the Frost Monarch
1|Soi|Treeborn Frog
1|Lod|Bottomless Trap Hole
1|Sod|Mystic Swordsman LV2
1|Ast|Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

Monarch control:

2|Mrd|Magician of Faith
1|Mfc|Breaker the Magical Warrior
3|Pgd|Spirit Reaper
1|Dcr|D.D. Warrior Lady
1|Ast|Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
1|Soi|Treeborn Frog
2|Mfc|Apprentice Magician
1|Mfc|Old Vindictive Magician
1|Dbt|D.D. Assailant
2|Mfc|Magical Merchant
1|Ioc|Chaos Sorcerer
1|Sod|Mobius the Frost Monarch
1|Ast|Night Assailant

3|Ioc|Smashing Ground
1|Mrd|Heavy Storm
1|Mrl|Mystical Space Typhoon
1|Psv|Premature Burial
1|Pgd|Book of Moon
2|Psv|Nobleman of Crossout
1|Een|Pot of Avarice
1|Sdp|Graceful Charity
1|Mrl|Snatch Steal

3|Dcr|Sakuretsu Armor
1|Lon|Torrential Tribute
1|Psv|Call of the Haunted
2|Lod|Bottomless Trap Hole
1|Mrd|Mirror Force

2|Sp2|Ancient Lamp
1|Dod|Widespread Ruin
1|Mrl|Mystic Tomato
1|Lod|Bottomless Trap Hole
1|Mfc|My Body as a Shield
1|Fet|Hand of Nephthys
1|Fet|Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
7|DUH!|cards I havn't decided on

Don't know what everyones talking about the warrior deck is at most average. If im right thats 16 monsters. Thats a no no. Add atleast two more probably like Mobius the Frost Monarch and something else in that category. It's funny when I post a cookie cut deck people point out it's cookie cut and give no advice. When you post a cookie cut deck up, people are like "no fixes it's just about perfect." As for the Warrior deck, Dust Tornado, Heavy Storm, Breaker the Magical Warrior, Mystical Space Typhoon. Thats not enough. And your trap line up is decent loose the Widespread Ruin. More room for monsters. A D.D Survivor would fit in like butter in your side. You will be seeing a load of Bottomless Trap Holes going around. Night Assailant doesn't seem like the best pick. I count two flip effects. Which also limits the power of Tsukuyomi, but she should stay for all the monarchs.
On to the Monarchs, barely Monarchs you're only running two. The Night Assailant maybe you see something I don't. You're probably thinking like everyone else since one Graceful Charity is back Add dark world stuff and things of that nature. Chances are scarce, I would loose it. This decks far better than that warrior deck.
These decks have potential but their far from no fixes.
depending on the deck, a deck can have anywhere between 15 to 22 monsters and still function probably. last april first format, which is much like this one, the average number of monsters was 17.

D.D. Survivor would be a waste of space with assailant restricted to 1. D.D. Warrior is not gonna see enough play and bottomless isn't good enough reason yet.

I have THREE other flip effects. Night Assailant, magician, and x2 merchant. Night Assailant is good on it's own, with tsuki, or graceful (especially if both averice AND MOF are in grave).

As for the monarchs, why would I want more then two? I don't need more, they can be bad topdecks, i prefer to NOT rely of specific combos and luck of the draw so i build my decks so that the majority of my cards work well with the majority of every other card.

Do you realize how someone is percieved when they use the term "cookie cutter" in a negative fashion to a decent portion of the yu-gi-oh community? (including myself). When a card is good people will, most of the time, realize it. This means that alot of people will use aformentioned card. Therefore, because everyone uses a card, such as Spirit Reaper, people call it cookie cutter and unoriginal, as if they copied the list from metagame or got the idea from seeing someone else play it.
PEOPLE PLAY CARDS BECAUSE THEY ARE GOOD. When you call someone's deck cookie cutter you insult The Creator. Not only that, but you show your inability to appreciate the deeper, more subtle levels of creativity, synergy, and intricacy. For your information I created these decks from scratch without input, ideas, or help of any kind from anywhere/one. I created these decks from my expertise, experiance, and knowledge (of previous formats especially).

Also, you contradict yourself by saying i'm cookie cutter AND telling me to take out Night Assailant.

P.S. If you wanna see some originality, click the link in my signature
they are both balanced.

my belief is that it's better because it has more ways of getting card advantage that the warrior deck just can't keep up with.