7-drop Batman... how do I use this card in twin-headed alien?


RIP Jacob KT 2/16/06
My friend and I each have a deck. His is a GCPD Officer deck and Mine is a brave and the bold deck. When we team up in a game of twin-headed alien he switched out 3 cards for 3 "the brave and the bold" and I switch out 12 cards for 12 different cards (two being **** grayson*nightwing, titan leader :).

Individually our decks are good but when we team up we are untouchable. We still need oe question answered.... How does the 7-drop batman work? Do we both draw for... gtg, bye!
I take it your asking if a player exhausts a Gothem Knight character they control with the 7-drop Batman on the board if both players draw a card or just the person who controls the Batman draws a card.

The person who controls the Batman and activates the effect by exhausting a character they control draws a card for that effect, not the opponent. If both you and your opponent have a Batman, The Dark Knight on the field then you both may exhaust your characters and draw due to the fact that you both have the effect to draw the cards, just remember to do so by passing the priority and just not all at the same time.
One of the niceties in this card game is they consider the multi player game when formatting the text on a card.

So when Bat's text says "Exhaust a Gotham Knights character you control -> Draw a card." we know it means only the controller of bats. If it had said: "Each player who controls a Gotham Knights player draws a card" well then thats self explanatory.

But if you look closely on some of the card texts, you'll notice where they specifically included or excluded players in multi-player games. Like some affect "each player" while some only affect "target opponent" and still another can affect "each of your opponents." I really appreciate the clarity they put into the mechanics of this game.
Also, how do I determine the attack of the 7-drop batman? Does the 7-drop check both mine and my partner's hand or just one of our hands?
Nope. Even in twin-headed mutant/alien the "you" in his card text will still only aplly to you, the controler of Batman.