A Deck on a Budget

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R. I. P. Chris Benoit
One of the most notable aspects of Duel Masters is the fact that the Super/Very Rare cards aren't necessary in all decks. Heck, only a handful of decks I make nowadays have any foil at all. Why is it that playing a certain Common card would be more beneficial than running a Super Rare?

Simple, most Commons are low cost and can have huge effect. Take Raging Dash-Horn for example. He's a 5-drop Nature creature with 4000 Power, but if you're using mono-Nature, he becomes a Double Breaker with 7000 Power! All of that for a Common? Zoinks! In fact, there are currently 7 other Common creatures that have the Double Breaker ability, and they all cost 5 or less.

Let's not forget that Uncommons and Rares aren't all that expensive. Shoot, the other day I bought 2 Terror Pits and 2 Holy Awes for 5 bucks total! In Yu-Gi-Oh!, you'd have to spend well over 20-30$ for cards with equivalent playability.

So, if you're making a deck, but don't have many foils handy, don't sweat it. Remember, the important thing is make a deck using cards that can work together. I've seen plenty of all-Common decks that friggin' rocked. Use what you have at your disposal, and you might find that one-in-a-million deck that could take the next Worlds.

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