A OTK idea


2 monsters with >2000atk / 2 Ring of Destruction

attack, then destory, attack, destory...
2 monsters with >2000atk / * / attack / 2 Ring of Destruction

*^use a spell that costs (ie twister) then use megamorph

2 monsters with >2000def/ 2 Shield & Sword / attack / 2 ring of destruction

toon world / toon dark magician girl / Megamorph / ring of destruction

But which cards would be the best in a deck? :huh

level 4 >=2000

Berserk Gorilla
Chainsaw Insect
Dark Elf
Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective
Gene-Warped Warwolf
Infernal Dragon
The Unfriendly Amazon

level 4 >=2000

Aqua Madoor
Battle Footballer
Big Shield Gardna
Black Stego
Earthbound Spirit
Elemental Hero Clayman
Gear Golem the Moving Fortress
Humanoid Slime
Island Turtle
Maiden of the Aqua
Moai Interceptor Cannons
Mystical Elf
Prevent Rat
Prickle Fairy
Roulette Barrel
Sand Moth
Skull Dog Marron
Spirit of the Harp
Stone Statue of the Aztecs
The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave
The Forgiving Maiden

level 5 >=2000atk

Armed Dragon LV5
Freed the Matchless General
Giga Gagagigo
Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
Sillva, Warlord of Dark World
Terrorking Salmon
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

level 6 >=2000

toon dark magician girl

level 5 >=2000def

Catapult Turtle
Giant Axe Mummy
Guardian Sphinx
Hercules Beetle
Illusionist Faceless Mage
Metal Guardian
Molten Behemoth
Queen Bird
Woodborg Inpachi


ring of destruction
Shield & Sword
toon world
toon table of contents

Weapon Change


Solemn Judgment
Sakuretsu Armor
Konami is really good about making OTK's difficult by limiting the cards used to set them off, or making the combos harder to get together. What you will want to do is find one that you like and build a deck that either stalls, supports and/or works with it. The Demise Deck (which really isn't an OTK, but can be, and is certainly devistating) works well because of the supprot cards (Insects, Normal beat-down, Heroes). The Chimeratech has gotten a little harder to pull off, but with the appropriate machines, it doesn't matter, because there are so many good machines out there one ususally wins without the OTK. Some prefer to push through the deck until they have all the cards they need, then spring it. This can be dangerous though as one wrench can throw the whole thing off, therefore, stall can help. Another OTK support involved The RFP zone. Get 5 of your cards out of play, then Spring them with Return from the Different Dimension or Dimension Fusion, or whatever and go to town on your opponent (really cool if you have machines + Canon Soldier for those extra 2500 LP damage Points afterwards all of your Machines have attacked--Just in case they weren't enough). Anyway, there are plenty of good OTK's out there. You just need to be a little more creative, because Konami won't make it easy.

Come on, COG!! What are your favorite OTKs??

Gadget + Ulitimate Offering + Cannon Soldier??

Doom Dozer + Demise + (Megamorph or Ring of Destruction)??

Future Fusion + Overload Fusion + Chimeratech + RftDD/DimFus + Machines??
Gadget + Ulitimate Offering + Cannon Soldier??

That's actually Gadget + Ultimate Offering + Limiter Removal. You don't need Cannon Soldier when Limiter is way better.

And Infernal Dragon can't do LP battle damage.
another good otk is power bond for cyber end dragon then limiter removal.

power bond makes cyber end dragon have 8000 then limiter removal gives it 16000.
Berserk gorilla/ Goblin Attack Force/ Giant Orc/ Goblin Elite Attack Force/ Dark Panther/ Gene Warped Werewolf/ Dark Elf/ Zombyra the Dark + inspection/ confiscation/ anything to get your life lower quick + ring of destruction + Barrel Behind the door + megamorph.

The limiting of Dimension Fusion to 1 really nerfed my DMoC OTK. And I was so excited about using Card Trader in it...