Actual Contaradictory Rulings - No, really.

Digital Jedi

Staff member
Maybe this has already been brought to everyones attention. But while researching my token question I stumbled across these two rulings:

Non-Spellcasting Area
The effect of "Non-Spellcasting Area" includes Ritual Monsters and Fusion Monsters that do not have effects, as well as Monster Tokens.

Emissary of the Oasis
A Monster Token is a Normal Monster, but a Ritual Monster without an effect is not a Normal Monster.

So Ritual Monsters without effects are considered Normal Monsters for Non-Spelcastin Area but not for Emissary of the Oasis? Ooookaaay. :rolleyes:

Digital - look at it this way, Emissary only effects Normal monsters, while Non-Spellcasting Area affects EVERYTHING that isn't an effect monster, be it a ritual, fusion, etc.

Right, there is a difference between Normal monsters and non-effect monsters.

Normal monster cards have all the same color ;)
Non-effect monsters can be any number of colored cards.
Digital Jedi said:
Maybe this has already been brought to everyones attention. But while researching my token question I stumbled across these two rulings:

Non-Spellcasting Area
The effect of "Non-Spellcasting Area" includes Ritual Monsters and Fusion Monsters that do not have effects, as well as Monster Tokens.

Emissary of the Oasis
A Monster Token is a Normal Monster, but a Ritual Monster without an effect is not a Normal Monster.

So Ritual Monsters without effects are considered Normal Monsters for Non-Spelcastin Area but not for Emissary of the Oasis? Ooookaaay. :rolleyes:
its all in the phraseing Non spell casting ears say that do not have effects, also on the pharse on the card is says eveything that not a effect monste... as for emissary is specifly say normal monsters i hope that made seance
abaddon said:
its all in the phraseing Non spell casting ears say that do not have effects, also on the pharse on the card is says eveything that not a effect monste... as for emissary is specifly say normal monsters i hope that made seance
Yeah, as I said, I noticed that about an hour after I posted. Apparently I was dilerious with hunger.