
New Member
Okay so I've got two questions:

1. What's better? a fiend or a spellcaster deck?
2. What are the best fiend/spellcaster decks?

See I want to make a deck revolving around either fiends or spellcasters, but I can't really seem to make up my mind, hence the questions. Anyway, any advice or comments would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance!
1. Both have their pros/cons, like any deck.
2. See #1.

I know I haven't given you any kinda straight answer, so I ask you:

1. What is your playstyle (aggressive, conservative, etc)?
2. What type of cards do you like to use?

Once people know the answers to these questions, they might be better able to help you reach your decision.
Although, in all honesty, I've tried for quite a while to get a tier 1 competitive spellcaster deck together and have yet to succeed (but who am I?). I have been able to form several variation of competitve Fiend decks. Several of which have made it (by friends, as I am usually judging) far in the tournaments. And now that Chaos Scorcerer is out of the picture, it only hurts the spellcasters more. Although it is interesting to point out that there are 5 spellcasters on the forbidden list and only one fiend (Birdie!), which tells me that spellcasters overall have the potential to be too powerful. They also dominate the restricted list. Maybe with the new Valkeria and some other new cards, I can finally put the fiends to shame.

Didn't the Dark World/Burn do well in Regionals?
As Jathro said before both of them have their good sides and bad sides. It all depends on your playing style, wether it's more aggressive or passive so to speak.

From a person standpoint I have no idea what to suggest, you might want to try out both and see which one you indentify with better.
Well, Ive played burn quite a while so I'm eager to get something agressive going. I know fiends have alot of potential in the current meta, especially with goldd and sillva for sidedecking, but I also want to create something thats at least somewhat original so maybe spellcasters? You tell me :p :)

I wouldn't say Dark World decks are broken... I haven't seen one top at a SJC yet (which several would have were they broken).
I wouldn't say they are broken either.
I'd go with Spellcasters, however. They are more true to a specific theme. I run a Fiend deck & would definately not want to wish the painful dedication of running one on anybody but myself.
Fiends are not just a decktype, they are a way of life.
The best way to make either deck is to simply splash a little bit of either into a deck. Alot of people do this with warrior, any deck that has 1 reinforcement and 5 warriors is for some reason considered a warrior deck; i'm not gonna argue.

Since there aren't really any amazing cards to splash for spellcasters may i suggest the following lineup:

x1 night assailant
x1 sangan
x2 goblin elite attack force
x2 dark mimic lv1
x3 newdoria
x1 mask of darkness
x1 dark necrofear

side decking
x2 giant orc
x1 goldd
x1 deck devestation virus

It could look something like this:
2|Ast|Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
1|Dcr|D.D. Warrior Lady
1|Dbt|D.D. Assailant
1|Ioc|Strike Ninja
1|Pgd|Don Zaloog
1|Lod|Exiled Force
1|Lon|Dark Necrofear
2|Crv|Goblin Elite Attack Force
1|Ast|Night Assailant
2|Sod|Dark Mimic LV1
1|Pgd|Spirit Reaper
1|Mrd|Mask of Darkness
1|Mrl|Mystic Tomato
1|Mfc|Breaker the Magical Warrior
1|Mrd|Magician of Faith
1|Ioc|Smashing Ground
1|Lod|Reinforcement of the Army
1|Psv|Nobleman of Crossout
1|Mrd|Heavy Storm
1|Psv|Premature Burial
1|Sdy|Last Will
1|Pgd|Book of Moon
1|Sdp|Graceful Charity
1|Mrl|Mystical Space Typhoon
1|Mrd|Mirror Force
1|Pgd|Ring of Destruction
1|Lon|Torrential Tribute
1|Psv|Call Of The Haunted
3|Dcr|Sakuretsu Armor
1|Dod|Widespread Ruin
1|Lod|Bottomless Trap Hole

1|Sod|Mystic Swordsman LV2
1|Lod|Exiled Force
1|Dod|Widespread Ruin
1|Lod|Creature Swap
1|Mrl|Mystic Tomato
1|Lod|Asura Priest
1|Sod|Mobius the Frost Monarch
1|Psv|Dust Tornado
2|Mfc|Giant Orc
1|Fet|Deck Devastation Virus
1|Lob|Trap Hole
1|Een|Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
1|Soi|Treeborn Frog

or maybe something like this:
1|Dcr|D.D. Warrior Lady
1|Dbt|D.D. Assailant
1|Ioc|Strike Ninja
1|Pgd|Don Zaloog
1|Lod|Exiled Force
1|Lon|Dark Necrofear
2|Crv|Goblin Elite Attack Force
1|Ast|Night Assailant
1|Pgd|Spirit Reaper
1|Mrd|Mask of Darkness
1|Mrl|Mystic Tomato
2|Sod|Dark Mimic LV3
1|Mfc|Breaker the Magical Warrior
1|Mrd|Magician of Faith
1|Ioc|Smashing Ground
1|Lod|Reinforcement of the Army
1|Psv|Nobleman of Crossout
1|Mrd|Heavy Storm
1|Lod|Creature Swap
1|Psv|Premature Burial
1|Sdy|Last Will
1|Pgd|Book of Moon
1|Sdp|Graceful Charity
1|Mrl|Mystical Space Typhoon
1|Mrd|Mirror Force
1|Pgd|Ring of Destruction
1|Lon|Torrential Tribute
1|Psv|Call Of The Haunted
3|Dcr|Sakuretsu Armor
1|Dod|Widespread Ruin
1|Lod|Bottomless Trap Hole

2|Dcr|Skill Drain
1|Crv|Goblin Elite Attack Force
1|Lod|Exiled Force
1|Mrl|Mystic Tomato
1|Lod|Asura Priest
1|Sod|Mobius the Frost Monarch
1|Psv|Dust Tornado
2|Mfc|Giant Orc
1|Fet|Deck Devastation Virus
1|Lob|Trap Hole
1|Een|Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
1|Soi|Treeborn Frog
thanks for the deck lists there, they'll give me a good start :)
Anyway it would seem as though fiends are more competitive compared to spellcasters. But I was just thinking, with a card like magical dimension, don't you think it just asks to be played:)? Although fiends do have alto of potential as well, i don't believe dark worlds are broken, but nowadays their better off in a sidedeck though to come out during the second round and have your opponent trembling with fear when he attacks directly with spirit reaper ;)
Well it sure looks interesting enough to give a shot:). By the way, I've got another question but this one's from a friend of mine:
Is it possible to make a good and competitive beast deck?