An idea for Horus deck

Milo di Scorpio

New Member
Guy please give me an idea for a Horus deck. I'm dubious about Horus Lv 4 (1600 atk)... For upgrade this monster the best way is only "Level Up!"??? Destroy a monster with his low attack its hard...
Well, you could ...

- Use Ojama Trio to give Horus LV4 some easy to kill tokens

- Use Mirror Wall to cut an attacking monster's ATK in half

- Use Rush Recklessly to increase Horus LV4 to 2300 during the damage step

- Use Molten Destruction to make him a decent 2100ATK

- Use any of the 25-30 Equip Spell Cards that would boost it's ATK to something more respectible

- Stick with Level Up!, realizing that if you're packing a couple LV6s / LV8s it provides you with the versatility that you're looking for in just about any LV deck.
Yeah, Horus Level 4 is definately the weak chain in Horus decks. You have to contend with 3 Level 4 monsters with a 1600 attack.

They do have a pretty decent effect though - that your opponent can't take control over them. That has helped me out before.

Personally I think Rush Recklessly is a great way to protect them. I'll be trying that out in the new ban list format...

Question: If I use Creature Swap on Level 4, can I take their monster without giving them Level 4? How does that work?