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New Member
Ok, I'm looking for a specific answer to this, so I may print it out and show my players. Everyone is disagreeing on how this would resolve...


Going into turn 5, Player A has laid his Resource, but missed the curve. So, he is going to play SuperMan<>Red during the Recruit step. Now, he still has out the 4 Drop SuperMan. Would Player A be able to Recruit Superman<>Red, then instantly pay 1 point of Endurance to make all SuperMan not Unique, and save his 4 Drop from getting KO'd???

I answered it as NO....Fact being Uniqueness is checked the instant he laid SuperMan<>Red on the field and it would not allow him time to pay 1 pt of Endurance to keep the 4 Drop one. It would be KO'd. I told them that they needed to have a Cadamus Labs at the time of Recruitment to be able to keep both.

My guys though, think that they would be able to pay and save both SuperMan for the turn.

Am I right or did I miss interpret the Uniqueness Rulings???


301.4 The character card represents the recruit effect on the chain When the recruit effect resolves, the character card is put from the chain into the player's front or support row. It then becomes an objects with the character type.

From this we learn that a character card isn't in play and a character until the recruit effect resolves.

705.1 As part of resolving a recruitment effect for a card with the unique characteristic, its controller must put all objects already in play that he or she controls with the same name as the object that he or she is putting into play into his or her KO'd pile. This is not the same as KO'ing those objects.

Before the recruit effect resolves and Superman <> Red goes from the chain zone to the in-play zone, the Uniqueness check is performed. When that happens, Superman <> Clark Kent will be put into their KO'd pile. So, by the time Superman <> Red hits the table and is a character, Superman <> Clark Kent is in the KO'd pile.

500.2 Unless a card specifically indicates that the power may be used in another zone or can only function from another zone, powers only exist on an object in th ein-play zone.

Superman <> Red cannot use his power while in the Chain zone pre-emptively to prevent Superman <> Clark Kent from getting KO'd because his power doesn't specify it can be used in a zone other than the in-play zone.

So, if Superman <> Red is recruited and the recruit effect resolves, all other cards named Superman that the player controls will be put into the KO'd pile. Superman <> Red can't use his ability until his recruit effect resolves, so by the time he could do something about the Uniqueness modifier, the Uniqueness modifier has already been applied.

Hope this helps.
Sure does, and you even explained it better than I could ever try to. So, if you don't mind, gonna print a copy and show my players I was correct and exactly how UDE(we) arrived at that answer.

Have a Great Day!
