Basic guide to Cyrstal Beast theme

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Now, these Crystal Beast will be popular JUST LIKE the current Six Samurai decks. So people will be FLOODING with decks of this along with alot of them having poor builds with random cards. (No, you do NOT put EVERYSINGLE card of the type in and hope that it'll work. Some of the supports are crap and not worth your deckspace)

NOTE: I'll be using JPN text and name for now. I don't know the offical English names along with the English text. HOWEVER, I will call them Crystal Beast since that's offical.

Also, before anything, some BASIC rulings. (I'm sure these will get posted once they get released)

#1: The player with the control the Cyrstal Beast is sent to Graveyard would choose to let this card put in their
OWN M/T zone or not (not the owner) This means if your foe snatch steal, and then gets destroyed, yep. they can choose to send it to your graveyard, or put it on THEIR own s/t zone. (If they don't want Crystal Beast fueling in your grave)

#2: Destroyed means either destroyed by battle OR card effect. As long as it's destroyed, and it's NOT remove from play WHILE still on the field, (e.g. Bottomless Trap Hole, D.D. Warrior Lady, DDA, etc.) you can choose to go to your graveyard, or s/t zone. And when you choose to go to the s/t zone, Crystal Beast monsters never hit the graveyard.

#3: Crystal Beasts on the s/t zone are considered as CONTINUOUS SPELL cards and NOT monsters. (No rainbow Ruin 3rd effect or Manticore of Darkness) And it's also considered as being on your s/t zone, and NOT considered as you activated a Continuous Spell card when it goes to your s/t zone. And while these monsters are on your s/t zone, they have absolutely no effect.

#4: When a Crystal Beast card that's even on the s/t zone is sent to the graveyard, it's still considered as a monster sent to the graveyard. (This kills the Hamon strat. Since Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder requires 3 continuous Spell cards sent from field to grave. Yes, Crystal Beast ARE considered continuous spell cards, but when they are sent to the graveyard, they're considered as monsters being sent to the graveyard. Sorry, this strat is out) This means, s/t zone Crystal Beast monsters will be RFP when destroyed if Dimensional Fissure is in play.

#5: When Dimensional Fissure/Banisher of Radiance/MacroCosmos/etc. is on the field, when Crystal Beast monsters are destroyed on the field, the controller can choose to go either to the grave or their s/t zone. If they pick the s/t zone, it is NOT RFP. However, if they choose to send it to the grave, THEN it's RFP.

First of all. The monsters. I'll rate the good and the bad. What's worth adding and what's crap.

Good Crystal Beast monster


#1: S Rank: Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus

Wind / Beast / Star 4 / Effect / 1800ATK / 1200DEF

When this card is Summoned, you can put 1 "Crystal Beast" monster from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard face-up in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell Card. If this card is destroyed while it is a monster, instead of sending it to the Graveyard you can move it to your Spell & Trap Card Zone face up as a Continuous Spell Card.

This is definately the best Crystal Beast monster and the B&B of your ENTIRE DECK. And the fact that you can't search this baby cause it's a Beast monster with 1800ATK, means you MUST RUN 3x. If you don't have 3x, don't even bother making it. (It's like running 3x Grandmaster is also a must for Six Samurai deck)

Also note that it just says Summoned. This includes EVERYTHING. That's normal summon, special summon AND Flip Summon. (I don't know, you might Book of Moon your Pegasus. However, being flipped face-up does NOT count) This card is instant 1+ on your field by adding a Cyrstal Beast on your field. While it might sound "nothing" at first since those s/t have no effect, adding your s/t Crystal Beast is the key of alot of support card you need to use. When you read the whole thing, you can see just how helpful this effec is. Not to mention it picks cards from ANYWHERE, hand/deck/graveyard. If you want a specific Cyrstal Beast on your s/t zone, you can pick from hand or graveyard instead of the usual Deck. Not to mention if your Crystal Beast ran out in your deck, you can always pick your hand or graveyard.

This card is literally the Elemental Hero Stratos of your Crystal Beast deck. And unlike Stratos, you can run 3x cause it's not THAT broken.

#2: A Rank: Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger

Earth / Beast / Star 4 / Effect / 1600ATK / 1000DEF

When this card attacks opponent's monster, increase this card attack by 400 points during damage calculations. If this card is destroyed while it is a monster, instead of sending it to the Graveyard you can move it to your Spell & Trap Card Zone face up as a Continuous Spell Card.

Actually, this card isn't that great. However, compared to OTHER Crystal Beast monsters, this card is the 2nd best. It just shows just how poor the overall Crystal Beast monsters really are. The reason why this one is up here cause when you attack a monster, it's ATK stat is 2000. That'll kill everything but GP Spy, Cyber Dragon, or Monarch/Jinzo. And with this deck's overall poor monster effects, (with the exception of Sapphire Pegasus) it needs it. I would say run at least 2x but prefer 3x for aggro rush.

#3: A- Rank: Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle

Light / Fairy / Star 3 / Effect / 300ATK / 300DEF

When this card is successfully special summoned, you can special summon as many [Gem Beast] monsters as you can from your Magic/Trap card zone. If this card is destroyed while it is a monster, instead of sending it to the Graveyard you can move it to your Spell & Trap Card Zone face up as a Continuous Spell Card.

Although the weakest stat, perhaps the most powerful one. However, the weak stat does make it a 3rd rank instead. Not to mention the effect requires a specific condition. However, special summong a Crystal Beast is quite easy so it's not a prob. This card is the core if you want to make an aggro rush Crystal Beast deck. This card can literally make your monster field into 5x monsters in one shot by just this one monster being special summoned. Another words, this card is a built-in RftDD/Dimension Fusion in a monster form if played correctly. This card can create ALOT of OTK situations if your foe is running of of cards to play and thus not great of a field presence. To play it correctly, simplify the field, special summon this guy, and then Heavy Storm for the win. (All of your Crystal Beast should be out of your s/t zone when it's summoned anyway) If you got Rainbow Ruin and have 3 or more s/t Crystal Beast left even after Ruby swarm, then you don't even NEED Heavy Storm.
drzero7 said:
#4: When a Crystal Beast card that's even on the s/t zone is sent to the graveyard, it's still considered as a monster sent to the graveyard. (This kills the Hamon strat. Since Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder requires 3 continuous Spell cards sent from field to grave. Yes, Crystal Beast ARE considered continuous spell cards, but when they are sent to the graveyard, they're considered as monsters being sent to the graveyard. Sorry, this strat is out).

It's not that I don't believe you, but where is your proof that this is true?
Med Tier

#4: B Rank: Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth


When a face-up [Gem Beast] monster on your field is target of attack, you can change the target of attack to this card instead. If this card is destroyed while it is a monster, instead of sending it to the Graveyard you can move it to your Spell & Trap Card Zone face up as a Continuous Spell Card.

Another not so great card. But seeing how bad the overall Crystal Beast cards that exists. 1700ATK is still good enough to kill almost everything and with the 1600DEF, not bad for a wall either. And you can redirect all attacks to this guy to protect your weaker monsters. (Remember, Topaz Tiger only gets the boost when it's attacking, not when it being attacked by foe)

Like Ruby Carbunkle, I would put maybe 1~2x. Or even none at all. (Although Ruby, I would at least put 1x for OTK possibility)


Now onto stupid monster cards you should not run at all.

Crap Tier:

#5: Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise


You can put a monster on your field that had attacked this turn to defense mode. This effect can only be activated once per turn. If this card is destroyed while it is a monster, instead of sending it to the Graveyard you can move it to your Spell & Trap Card Zone face up as a Continuous Spell Card.

The only good thing about this monster is that it got 2000DEF. Really, all other Crystal Beast got poor DEF stat other then Mammoth anyway to even bother with this effect. Now if this weakass monster can attack directly ALONG with this effect like Submarineroid, THEN I would have rated it better. Don't bother. If you need a wall, Spirit reaper/GK Spy/Jujitsu Master/etc. are better.

#6: Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat
This card can attack opponent directly. If so, the battle damages done by this card to opponent is halved. If this card is destroyed while it is a monster, instead of sending it to the Graveyard you can move it to your Spell & Trap Card Zone face up as a Continuous Spell Card.

So what if it direct attack. With it's poor stats, won't last 1 turn. Don't bother.

Gem Beast - Cobalt Eagle
You can return a face-up [Gem Beast] monster from your field to the top of your deck. This effect can only be activated once per turn. If this card is destroyed while it is a monster, instead of sending it to the Graveyard you can move it to your Spell & Trap Card Zone face up as a Continuous Spell Card.

Umm... your LITERALLY killing yourself by bouncing cards to your own top of deck. If it bounces to your hand it would have been better... yeah... bad. Even if the target was Sappire Pegasus it's still bad.
It's not that I don't believe you, but where is your proof that this is true?

It's because they're monster cards. Only on the field AND while on the s/t zone they are considered to be continuous spell cards by their own effect. So when they hit the graveyard, they're effect goes off and now they're considered as monsters going to the graveyard instead.

This is JPN OCG ruling but seeing the effect and all, this should be correct even on the USA TCG. It makes sense.
drzero7 said:
This is JPN OCG ruling but seeing the effect and all, this should be correct even on the USA TCG. It makes sense.

It may make sense, but this it the TCG, not the OCG, our ruling could be the complete opposite to theirs.

We've had plenty of varying rulings between the TCG & OCG before, it won't end anytime soon.
The game mechanic is not new. We already have Monsters that become Spell Cards in your Spell/Trap Zones due to their effect. And they do not remain Spell Cards when they go to the Graveyard. Just like Embodiment of Apophis cannot remain a monster card when it goes to the Graveyard. It's basic game mechanics for both games.
So let's review. Monster wise. what you should run

3x Sapphire Pegasus
2~3x Topaz Tiger
1~2x Ruby Carbuncle
0~2x Amber Mammoth

After that, it's your choice. However, do NOT run Treeborn Frog. It doesn't work.

Now, onto spell cards. Unlike Destiny Hero theme (Which the only real good support is just Destiny Draw) this thing got ALOT of support.


EDIT: Name changes for the English version

Rank S: Rare Value
Spell - Normal
Activate only when there are 2 or more "Crystal Beast" cards in your Spell & Trap Card Zone. Your opponent chooses 1 of them and it is sent to the Graveyard. Then, draw 2 cards.

This card is another "Pot of Greed". Yep, think of this thing as Destiny Draw of Cyrstal Beast deck and it's understandable. However, the condition is ALOT more strict then Destiny Draw. (And no, Diamond Dude doesn't work. Sending a s/t Cystal beast to the graveyard by your foe is NOT a cost. So that must go first before Drawing 2. So no, it's not Destiny Draw.) Run AT LEAST 2x. But usually, and preferably, run 3x. The only problem is, since the condition is harder then Destiny Draw, it can lead to being a dead card. But so can Destiny Draw. It's the chance you have to risk.

Your for CAN try to negate this. But when you activate it, in responce, your foe must destroy all of s/t zone Crystal Beast on your side of the field. (to stop the first part of the effect, and thus the 2nd part, draw 2, will be negated) Another words, your foe must have a CRAPLOAD of MST/Dust Tornado/Twister set on your foe side of the field. (At least 2x of whatever, more if you got more s/t Crystal Beast) So in 99.99% of the time, nope, won't be negated that way. It'll usually be something like a Counter Trap like Solemn Judgment that'll stop this thing.


Rank A+: Crystal Beacon
Magic - Normal
When there are 2 or more "Crystal Beast" cards in your Magic/Trap card zone, special summon a "Crystal Beast" monster from your deck.

While Rare Value is definately the B&B spell card, it's just card advantage. And even so, since you use Rare Value AND losing an s/t zone Crystal Beast, it's +1 on hand while +0 overall if you include field presence along with hand count.

But this is different. This is the key to the strat of WINNING with your Crystal Beast deck. Card Advantage means nothing if you draw nothing worth playing. This card will special summon any monster from deck for swarm power. The best selection to choose will usually be Sappire Pegasus or Ruby Carbuncle if you got the OTK shot ready. Or Topaz Tiger if you need to destroy an annoying monster by battle.

However, this card CAN be negated quite easily. When you have 2x Crystal Beast on your s/t zone, and you activate this card, your foe can chain MST/Dust/Twister to get rid of 1 of them to make it 1x Crystal Beast on your s/t, and this effect will be negated since during resolution, you don't have 2x Crystal Beast on your s/t zone. (However, if you had 3x or more, then it's not a likely case) So watch out for that.

Another prob, again, is that you need at least 2x to even bother activating. You CAN activate this even when you got 1x or 0x, it just it won't do anything. (It's not a requirement, but the effect won't kick through) Probably 2x in your main deck is a good option.


Rank B: Crystal Blessing
Magic - Normal
Choose up to 2 "Crystal Beast" monsters from your Graveyard, and put them face-up into your Magic/Trap card zone as a Continuous Magic card.

This card just helps out fuel your s/t zone. With stuff like Heavy Storm that your foe will run, along with losing your s/t Crystal Beast with stuff like Rare Value, this card can help to instantly gain your lost s/t. But this card isn't that needed since rarely your Crystal Beast monsters will hit the grave. (It'll usually be either Rare Value effect, or you got too much Crystal Beast on your s/t zone) I would put 1x at most. (Maybe a sidedeck if you don't want to waste your main deck space) But it DOES help if your foe us running multiple Mobius. Although it won't help at all if your foe runs Giant Trunade, but that card you only see it decks that's OTK designed. Most cases, it's Heavy Storm, Mobius and maybe Dust Tornade/Twister.


Rank A: Crystal Promise

Magic - Normal
Choose and special Summon a "Crystal Beast" monster from your Magic/Trap card zone.

Another good card. This card is very similar to Crystal Beacon. The good thing about this card is that you don't need 2x or more Crystal beast on your s/t to use it. It's just a very faster version. I mean, in turn 1, you can summon Sappire Pegasus, put a Crystal Beast on your s/t from deck, and then immediately play this to summmon that thing. (If you're planning this, I would put a 2nd Sappire Pegasus with the first one. So the 2nd one will put another Crystal beast on your s/t zone) The only reason why I rated this card slightly lower then the Crystal Beacon
is that you want your s/t zone a bit big. (At least 2x most of the time) And since this card, like Rare Value, makes you use s/t zone, it's a card to have to be careful of. (you don't want your Rare value or some other card dead just because you keep using this card now) Besides, this card, field presence wise, IS a -1 card. That Crystal Beast monster on your s/t zone was already on your field. All this card does is to transfer that s/t monster onto your field. While Crystal Beacon keeps those s/t Crystal Beast at the same time pulls out another monster from deck so that one is a +0 1 for 1 trade. But the plus of this card is that it's alot faster with alot less requirement of use.

Just like Crystal Beacon, this card CAN be countered by MST/Dust/Twister. Contract of Gem TARGETS one Crystal Beast on your S/T zone. If your foe chains MST/Dust/Twister to destroy that monster that's on the s/t zone that's being targetted by Contract of Gem, it'll be destroyed and WON'T be special summoned. (You can already tell, Twister is a good anti-Crystal Beast tech card)
RANK A-: Crystal Abundance

Spell - Normal
Send 4 "Crystal Beast" cards from your Magic/Trap card zone to your Graveyard to activate. Send all cards on the field to Graveyard. Also special as many "Crystal Beast" monsters in your Graveyard as you can equal to number of cards on opponent's field send to Graveyard by that effect.

This card, is literally your ultimate win condition OTK card. It's pretty much Heavy Storm + Lightning Vortex + Dimension Fusion all put into one happy Normal spell card. If your running a Cyrstal Beast deck, DEFINATELY consider this card. The reason why I rated it A- is the requirement cost is quite alot. Sending 4x s/t zone Crystal Beast monster is a COST. And that's quite alot of cost. However, this isn't that hard to do if your deck is set-up for this card. With Sappire Pegasus, Contract of Gem, Blessing of Gem, and Guidance of Gem, you'll be swarming with Crystal Beast monsters and they'll all go to your s/t zone when destroyed, and thus the fuel needed for the OTK card of this being set-up. And the number of cards in your foe includes monsters/spell/trap. (Not tokens) And since the Crystal Beast monsters gets special summoned AFTER it wiped the field first, Torrential/Mirror/Ring/Saku/Enemy Controller/Book/BTH/etc all mean NOTHING to this card. Your foe's only hope is either Waboku/Threatening Roar/Solemn Judgment or something of that matter. And since you sent 4x Crystal Beast card to grave, your going to have at least 4x Crystal Beast to summon, if your calculating that your foe did had that much cards on their field. If they didn't you can combo Sappire Pegasus + Ruby Carbuncle to get the 5x monsters need for game.


You have 4x Crystal Beast on your s/t zone. You activate Abundance of Gem.

You foe only had 3x cards on their field when Abundance was activated.

Then you should, if you have the option, summon 2x Sappire Pegasus from graveyard, and add 2x Crystal Beast on your s/t (From where ever, just fuel it) and then for the 3rd monster, special summon Ruby Carbuncle. And by that effect, special summon the rest of the 2x Crystal Beast on your s/t zone onto the field for 5x Crystal Beast swarm. Unless your foe's LP was REALLY HIGH, they should be dead by this combo.


I would say AT LEAST 1x. IMO, 2x is a good number. This card tend to be a dead card if 3x cause of hard activation condition. But if you have a strat that'll fuel your s/t zone of Crystal Beast real fast, then yes, even 3x is not that bad even if risking dead cards. But if you run 3x Rare Value, IMO, 2x of this should be enough to draw it out when needed in the late game.


Rank S: Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins
Spell - Field
This card gains the following effect(s) according to number of "Crystal Beast" monsters in your Magic/Trap card zone.
- 1 or more: This card cannot be destroy by effect of card
- 2 or more: Once per turn you can halved the battle damages done to a player
- 3 or more: You can send a "Crystal Beast" monster from your field to Graveyard, negate the activation of a Magic or Trap card and destroy it.
- 4 or more: Once per turn at your Main Phase you can draw a card from your deck.
- 5: Once per turn during your Main Phase you can special summon a [Gem Beast] card from your Magic/Trap card zone.

Unlike Skyscraper for E-Hero, this field spell is really good. (Well, Skyscraper 2 is really good though) In fact, it's somewhat nessessary to make your deck really powerful.

#1: your deck DOESN'T run Treeborn frog. So don't worry about clogged s/t zone. besides, being on field spell section means you don't clog your s/t zone you need to put Crystal Beast into. In a Crystal Beast deck, s/t is a required resource section, not just monster zone. (In a Crystal Beast deck, you do NOT bluff out with stuff like NoC or Smashing Ground usually unless your really losing bad. Cause you need that space)

#2: These effects STACKS. So if you have 1 Crystal Beast s/t, the effect is just that it can't be destroyed. But if you have 3x Crystal Beast s/t, then effect #1, #2, and #3 are all in play. Yeah, that's quite alot of effect overall for one field spell card.

So let's rate the effect.

1x s/t:

Being not destroyed effect is good. Not even Heavy storm can destroy it. Yes, Heavy storm will destroy all of your s/t Crystal Beast at once, but it still won't destroy your Rainbow Ruin cause when Heavy Storm was activated, those s/t Crystal Beast was still in place. And since it can't be destroyed, this card also stops your foe from play any of their field Spell along with it. The ONLY prob this card will face is either Giant Trunade or that new Raiza the Storm Monarch. (Since those are bounce effect, not destruction) Giant Trunade will really screw up your strategy BTW. But yeah, don't have to worry about Heavy or Mobius destroying this card. (Although those cards will destroy your other s/t Crystal Beast that you worked so hard to set-up) But seriously, a key Field Spell card that cannot be destroyed will REALLY annoy your foe. It's one of the reason why people don't like field spell, cause they're easily destroyed and don't give immediately benefits usually. With this one, at least the first prob is solved.

2x s/t:

Although this is the weakest effect among the 5, but still not too bad. 1/2 of all battle damage is good. You'll live longer.

3x s/t:

NOW we're getting onto kickass effects. This thing will negate and destroy any activated Spell or Trap. Heavy Storm? Nope, sorry, Mirror Force, nope, Torrential, nope, Ring or Snatch Steal, nope again. Seriously, now you got a permanent Magic Jammer + Seven Tools on your field. The only thing it won't negate is monster effect, but still, a free s/t negate/destroy is really great. And most Counter Traps cannot respond to this since the field spell is already in play, it's just the effect kicking in. (i.e. no "Activation" section. In fact, I can't think of one counter-trap card that'll stop this effect.) And remember, it's not destruction, but sending it to the graveyard so no s/t Crystal Beast when you use this effect.

BIG NOTE: Sending a Crystal Beast MONSTER is a cost. AND since it HAVE TO BE A MONSTER, you CANNOT set a s/t Crystal Beast for this effect. Cause while your Crystal Beast that's on your s/t zone is considered CONTINUOUS SPELL cards, NOT monster cards. Another words, it's not gunna be THAT easy to negate everything s/t your foe throws at your face. It can't be that broken.

4x s/t:

Now we're going into DEM effect. Now your drawing 2 cards for free each turn. Yep, a free Pot of Greed each turn... be VERY AFRAID. I mean, Pot of Greed + s/t negation+Destruction effect in place by one field spell... yeah...

5x s/t:

This card is literally Crystal Promise effect. And it's there so that you won't have a full 5 s/t clogged and thus you can't play any s/t. It's to free it up cause 5x "continuous spell cards" means your screwed. But still, a free special summon is good, especially if it's Sappire Pegasus or Ruby Carbuncle that you chose in your s/t zone. And AGAIN, your foe can chain MST/Dust/Twister to stop this effect. That is, of course, you can activate your 3rd effect in RESPONCE to that to stop the MST/Dust/Twister so that it'll be successfully special summoned.

I would run AT LEAST 2x. 3x is also good. But just watch out for being a dead card since you usually need just 1x on the field. (it's hard to destroy so it'll usually stay there with no probs) So like 2x with a couple Terraforming should be enough. (Too bad there's no monster version of Terraforming with this card.)

Seriously, IMO, this is another card that's a must. Although 3x running is questionable.
So now let's review the required spells to run this deck fully.

2~3x Rare Value (3x is recommended)
2x Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins

1~2x Terraforming (To get Rainbow Ruin)
1~3x Crystal Beacon
1~3x Crystal Promise
0~2x Crystal Abundance (3x Rare Value is a MUST if your planning to use this card)
0~1x Crystal Blessing


See, that's ALOT of support already. The rest of the card slots should go to s/t that destroys monsters + MST and a couple more solid monsters (Heavy Storm is actually questionable for this deck. I would say Heavy Storm should go to sidedeck for Crystal Beast since you need those s/t things. If you want more s/t destruction, then Dust Tornados or Mobius is a good alternative) Monster wise, probably more destruction/removal or high stat monsters that Topaz Tiger can't go though. (DDWL/Exiled Force/Cyber Dragon/Mobius/etc. Mobius is a good alternative if your planning to take out Heavy Storm)

Now, there's two traps left I didn't review, but unfortunately, they're not that great. IMO, don't run them.


Crap Trap cards (Which is all of the Trap support)

Rank D: Last Resort
Trap - Normal
Can be activate when opponent's monster declare attack. Choose a [Rainbow Ruin] in your deck and activate. If so, if opponent had activated a Field Magic, opponent can draw a card.

Why would you replace this card with Terraforming just boggles my mind. You don't need it, Terraforming is faster, better, and doesn't have a stupid requirement like your foe must attack you.


Crystal Raigeki
Trap - Normal
Send a [Gem Beast] card from your Magic/Trap card zone to Graveyard to activate. Destroy a card on opponent's field.

It SOUNDS good, but here's the thing. It's a 2 for 1 trade. This card is kinda like Raigeki Break. And you see people play Raigeki break? Nope. And so should you, don't run it. Not to mention, you want your s/t zone of Crystal Beast high so you can activate far better cards. There are PLENTY of cards out there that can destroy cards on your foe's field for 1 for 1 basis. (Smashing Ground, Saku, NoC, etc.) You DON'T need this card, seriously. Now, if it had, "negate the activation and destroy" THEN I would have considered it being Counter-Trap-like-thing. But nope. Not worth the 2 for 1 for those s/t Crystal Beast are valuable resources.


So trap wise, just run the standard. Mirror/Torrential/Ring/Saku/BTH and possibly Dust Tornado if you want s/t destruction without the use of Heavy or Mobius. (Although not that needed. S/T probs can be solved by Rainbow Ruin's 3rd effect.) Although I would recommend DON'T run Call of the Haunted. That card have a chance of being stuck on your S/T field. And extra card being stuck on your s/t zone means less room for your Crystal Beast s/t. Not to mention since most of your Crystal Beast being destroyed won't hit the graveyard ANYWAY, no real point. (Plus there's Sappire Pegasus/Blessing of Gem to put extra Crystal beast back to the field in s/t form) Just run 1x Premature Burial (even Premature Burial is questionable. Run that if your gunna run good solid non Crystal Beast monsters along with it like Exiled Forced, or a dead Monarch/Jinzo/DDWL/etc.) and forget CotH. Not worth the room for a deck that rarely have monsters in the graveyard and need all the s/t room as possible.


Final thought. Stuff to watch out for/tech against Crystal Beast.

Since the base strat is dealing with s/t zone Crystal Beast for good effects, cards that basically destroys S/T are hard to deal with for Crystal Beast cause they cannot set-up for your strat. This means Heavy Storm/MST/Mobius and even Stratos or Twister/Dust in your foe's sidedeck. (Good think Breaker is out huh) Really, if your foe have Twisters in sidedeck, they WILL main-deck all of that they have next turn so prepare for that.

And to solve Rainbow ruin problem, they'll try to get rid of it by Wind Monarch Raiser if they run in their deck. (And then possible force a deck shuffle to make sure you don't draw into it next turn. Or just blast the whole field with Heavy storm after Raiser summon. Heavy Storming first might not be a good idea if they got at least 3x Crystal beast in s/t and a spare Crystal Beast monster on the field ready.)

Seriously, the fact that all Crystal Beast will fall to the likes of Cyber Dragon/Monarch/GK Spy/Legendary Jujitsu Master/etc. dealing with the s/t zone is far more important then weakass effects monsters. (Really, Crystal Beast monsters, effect wise, are poor. Although stat wise, they're pretty solid, at least the commonly used good ones.)

Monster Destuction means almost nothing in this deck since every monster destroyed will be sent to s/t zone either to fuel Rainbow Ruin effect, Rare Value effect, or be special summoned by Crystal Promise/Crystal Beacon/Crystal Abundance. There's just too much special summon effects in this deck that just monster destruction isn't worth it. (It's kinda like Gadgets, but they're not weakass stat 1200~1400ATK normal summoned card advantage deck, but 1600~potential 2000ATK monsters that's special summoned swarm deck) But like I mentioned in this review, alot of those special summoning CAN be negated by s/t destruction that's a quick-play/Trap so yes, MST/Twister/Dust will be a major problem.

The key to playing Crystal Beast deck is to

#1: Simplify the field with 1 for 1 trade s/t and monster effect.
#2: Swarm the field with poor effect, but solid stat Crystal Beast monsters.
#3: Aggro IMO, is key. Your Crystal Beast can't go over the 2000ATK section, but it can swarm easily. So mass special summon and aggro attack for the win. Monster Destruction can be ignored since they'll go to the s/t zone to be used for other effects or be special summoned again. And for this to work, solid 1 for 1 field presence card destroyers are needed. And you can add monsters that's higher then the 2000ATK section with Cyber Dragon/Mobius.

And they'll also consider Waboku/Threatening Roar if you got the Ruby + Crystal Abundance OTK strat in your deck.

Hope this helps the overall guideline of what to add to create the deck, and how to play/what to watch out for.
Y'know, you have to run all 7 if you want to play Rainbow Dragon.

And where do you find the ruling that it doesn't work with Hamon?
Japan OCG. And BASIC GAME MECHANIC that since it was originally a MONSTER CARD, when it leaves the s/t zone, Crystal Beast reverts back to what it originally was, a MONSTER, when it hits the graveyard.

Seriously, I know some of you want to add like 2x hamon to a Crystal Beast. (Alot of people at first DID thought about this) but basic game mechanic doesn't let this work. It's like equip Spell card, when not targetting the original face-up monster it was equipped to, is destroyed by it's own game mechanic and goes to the graveyard.

And oh yeah, about Rainbow Dragon

#1: It's not out yet
#2: Rainbow Dragon, IMO, SUCKS!

I'll review Rainbow Dragon right now if you want me to.

copied from

TAEV-JP006 Ultimate Gem God Rainbow Dragon [Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare] *Cover*
LIGHT/Dragon - Effect/10/4000/0
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except when there are 7 types of [Gem Beast] cards on your field or your graveyard. The following effects cannot be activated during the turn this card was Special Summoned:
- Send all [Gem Beast] monster on your side of the field to the Graveyard. The ATK of this card is increased by 1000 points for each card sent to the Graveyard in this way. This effect can also be activated in your opponent's turn.
- Remove from play all [Gem Beast] monster in your Graveyard to return all cards on the field to their owner's decks.


#1: you need 7 cards to play this card. While it's on the field as monsters, s/t zone, or graveyard. 7 cards is alot, even if it's not a tribute.

#2: You cannot use it's effect during the same turn it was summoned, this REALLY SUCKS.

#3: The first effect, sending Crystal Beast from your monster or s/t zone to the graveyard, is not worth it. It's already 4000ATK. Just raising it's attack without a clear field is just stupid if they got a Saku/whatever ready. If this had trample maybe, but even then, you can't pump it's ATK the same turn and it's already 4000ATK as it is. Any more ATK increasing effect while it's already 4000ATK is only good if it's a OTK effect, and forced to waiting 1 turn means it's not a OTK attack increasing effect.

#4: It's 2nd effect, IS GOOD... but there's probs with that. For one thing, again, you cannot activate this effect the same turn. Yeah, it's a 1 turn wait, but by them your foe might get rid of Rainbow Dragon or steal it. And the 2nd effect returns everything INCLUDING rainbow dragon, which sucks. Without that, it could have been a decent OTK by pumping it's ATK on your foe's turn and then at the next turn, you send everything back to deck. But since it sends itself back, nope, doesn't work. Yeah, you can summon a monster for a direct attack, but it won't be a OTK. And since you lost your 7 Crystal Beast being RFP, the next time you draw into your Rainbow Dragon will be a dead card. Not to mention losing 7 or more Crystal Beast monsters by being RFP means your whole Crystal s/t zone strat is dead since cards like Sappire Pegasus or Blessing of Gem is meaningless.

Unless someone figures out a good OTK strat with Rainbow Dragon, it's just a 4000ATK beatstick for Crystal Beast deck to use.

Seriously. Abundance of Gem is WAYYYYY better then Rainbow Dragon does. Not worth running 7 different Crystal Beast that doesn't do the OTK as it "should" be doing.
Overall, what a good support.

Now, you can't make a deck with just those cards. You need some standards of other ones as well.

What to add.

Well, you don't need TOO much monsters in this deck. Since there's so much special summon effects spell cards cause of Crystal Beacon/Crystal Promise/Crystal Abundance. However, you should still run monsters that's just not Crystal Beast. However, these guys should focus PURELY on destroying monsters that you normally can't destroy with your Crystal Beast so they can push for damage.

So with that, I would recommend at least 2x Exiled Froce. Not just Face-up Cyber Dragon/Monarch is the prob, there's also the issue of face-down monsters that's GK Spy, Jujitsu master, Spirit Reaper etc. And with just 1x NoC, you'll need it. Wasting a normal summon isn't bad in a deck that have so much special summoning powers.

Also, since this deck have a potential to be having ALOT of dead cards. (Alot of your normal spell cards needs at least 2x Crystal beast spell cards on field to be played) So, a monster, that can use useless dead cards into potential problem monster destruction? Yep, Snipe Hunter is another good addition. Even discarding useless Crystal Beast monster isn't a bad idea since you can fetch them back up with either Crystal Blessing/Sappire Pegasus. So, at least 2x Snipe Hunter is also recommended.

Other then that, probably maybe a couple Cyber Dragon or 1x Spirit Reaper can be used. You COULD run a couple monarch. (Special summon a Crystal Beast, then tribute for a monarch) But IMO, I don't think you should mix them too much. Maybe 1 or 2x Monarch at max, but you can make a Crystal beast deck with no Monarch or in fact, 0 tribute monsters other then potentially Cyber Dragon.

So basic

2~3x Exiled Force
2~3x Snipe Hunter
1x Spirit Reaper


2~3x Cyber Dragon
0~2x Mobius and/or Zaborg
1x Sangan (I won't recommend it. But if you need that Exiled Force/Snipe Hunter fast, mind as well)


Onto S/T. Amazingly enough, you don't need too much Trap cards.

#1: Your s/t will be clogged for Crystal Beast.
#2: Even if your Crystal Beast are destroyed, they'll won't be totally lost since they go to your s/t zone, to be used for either draw power or special summon power. It's not wasted. In fact, if they use Saku/Ring/etc on your Crystal Beast, overall, it's -1 for them.
#3: Rare case, but if your foe plays Jinzo... your kinda screwed as your dead traps will clog the needed space.

However, does this mean run 0 traps? NO. You'll need at least some mass-monster destroyer cards so that your Crystal Beast can attack. So add the standard staple Traps.

Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute
Ring of Destruction.

Don't worry about Torrential Tribute. Even if you bust your own Crystal Beast, they're not getting wasted as they'll just go to your S/T section.

And after that, probably a couple Sakuretsu and maybe BTH/Dust Tornado. I said before, NO Call of the Haunted. And I really don't think you need 3x Sakuretsu Armor when your dead Crystal Beast won't be totally wasted anyway. IMO, 2x Saku is a good number.


Now onto spells. You'll still need a couple spell cards.

IMO of needed spells
2~3x Smashing Ground
Snatch Steal

-Smashing Ground.

You'll need it. Either Cyber Dragon, or GK Spy, or Jujitsu Master, or Monarch, or Spirit Reaper. you'll need this to push for damage. 2x is Minimum IMO.


Yeah, another must. Hitting GK Spy, Reaper, Jujitsu Master, is no fun in your deck since your Topaz Tiger can't kill them.(He can kill Jujitsu Master, but since that'll bounce Topaz Tiger to top of deck, no fun)

-Snatch Steal

Do I need an explanation? Nope. This card is known to be DEM.

---------OPTIONAL cards


This deck have a horrible weak start. And if your foe takes advantage and over-play you with swarms and the like, you'll lose. And this card is known for broken win condition if played on turn 1.

Premature Burial

Almost no cards hit the grave. IMO use this card to either get Exiled Force or Snipe Hunter usually. Or an occasional Sappire Pegasus/Ruby Carbuncle if they happen to be in the graveyard. You won't needed too much but if your foe destroyed your s/t resources with Heavy Storm, using this to pick back yourself up is a good idea.

Heavy Storm/MST

I would put 1x MST. But Heavy Storm is REALLY iffy for this deck theme. I would put Heavy Storm in the sidedeck.


Another REALLY IFFY card. This deck is designed for special summon swarm. But if this card clogs your monster zone... that's not gunna help. However, using this as a shield to start yourself is a good idea. Main deck at risk or a potential sidedeck.

Sword of Revealing Light

A better option then Scapegoat. However, using this, is just asking for Heavy Storm, especially since this is Crystal Beast deck. And again, this card clogs your s/t zone for 3 turns. I said before, you usually don't mind your Crystal Beast monsters being destroyed by battle. Another sidedeck option.

Lightning Vortex

When a deck theme have a poor start AND a potentally end up screwed with nothing but dead cards in your hand, this card can use up that dead card into mass monster destroyer. But usually Snipe Hunter will do that job. IMO, a sidedeck option.
drzero7 said:
Japan OCG. And BASIC GAME MECHANIC that since it was originally a MONSTER CARD, when it leaves the s/t zone, Crystal Beast reverts back to what it originally was, a MONSTER, when it hits the graveyard.

Seriously, I know some of you want to add like 2x hamon to a Crystal Beast. (Alot of people at first DID thought about this) but basic game mechanic doesn't let this work. It's like equip Spell card, when not targetting the original face-up monster it was equipped to, is destroyed by it's own game mechanic and goes to the graveyard.
In Japan, it works with Emergency Provisions. Why not Hamon?
It would be consistant, being that Emergency Provisions is not looking for Spell and Trap Cards to be in the Graveyard when it resolves. Just that you sent them there. Hamon is very specific in the type of card that needs to be in the Graveyard for the Tribute Summon.
Hamon is not a Tribute Summon though. He is a Special Summon.

However it does bring up an interesting point since Emergency Provisions will let you send Monsters that are being treated as S/T cards to the GY and you do gain the 1000 for each one that is sent. Both say "Send <Something> from your side of the field to the Graveyard". Now unfortunately English lends itself open to different interpretations with the same text. So basically what we're looking at is awaiting another UDE ruling. Any bets on consistancy here? I'll take the "Nope".
I guess I should have said the Tribute Effect. But, yeah, same reasonings. Unless they pull a Demise/Levia thing on us.
I'm inclined to agree. Both Provisions and Hamon say to send cards from the field to the grave. With Crystal beasts, that is what happens. The card "sent" to the graveyard was a spell card, even when it was no longer a spell card that arrived in the grave.
he trashed rainbow dragon - but it did not seem too bad - once you have 7in gy & field, you will likely continue to have 7 - so if it returns to hand/top of deck, you can literally special summon one/it every turn...or 2 or 3 on the same turn ... right? and 4000 w/megamorph trooper/magical merchant deck>gy dumper anyone?
and am i the only one who thinks iron blacksmith, big bang shot, mage power and united we stand belong here? thats some big atks - esp if on a direct attacker.....maybe a spell striker too....with all that flood , a 2 trib like dmoc should not be too difficult....not really ftk - but some otk fer sher....
granted crystal beasts are a lot of possible strats to pull together, but geeze - looks as if they can come from nowhere to topdecking overload in late game...if they get popular - gigantes & sacred phoenix will become a bit more popular as well....well - maybe... :p

oh... 7 types...a bit tougher....risk/reward...
I dunno the dragon seems easier to get out than people seem to think as far as im concerned. Especially if you have merchants going or rainbow ruin with 4 s/t beasts out. Youre gonna draw into stuff pretty soon to get one of each crystal beast either on the field or in the grave.

Ps I didnt see shrink in your s/t lineup dr. Surely shrink would be prefect for these guys seeing as thay have low enough atk overall.
Oh yeah, your right. Shrink is another viable option. They're stat is good enough to take out jinzo/Monarch with 1x shrink.

Another thing you can play around with is using Wild Nature's Release. The key Crystal Beast "beatstick" monsters. (i.e. Sapphire Pegasus, Topaz Tiger, Amber Mammoth) are all Beast Type. And with that card boost, Sapphire Pegasus and Topaz Tiger will be 3000ATK, (With the added 400ATK bonus for Tiger of course) and Amber Mammoth will be 3300ATK. And even if they're "destroyed" it's not really wasted cause it'll go to the s/t zone. I guess it's like a mini-Limiter Removal for Crystal Beast deck... but it actually use it is questionable. (Stuff like Shrink is probably overall better.) If you don't like the fact that it's a Normal spell for Wild Nature's Release, you can go really odd by using The Big March of the Animals. (THe deck tends to create instant swarm in the late game)

And yeah, I did thought about stuff like United We Stand and Mage Power. (One of the few decktypes where Mage Power is AS GOOD AS United We Stand. It's usually just United We Stand that's better)

But IMO, stuff like Smashing Ground and other monster removals goes first before using stat modifier effects.
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