Black Luster Soldier turns monsters face up?

  • Thread starter Fallennights51384
  • Start date


I was reading the site. I was looking up Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning. It said When a card is removed from play by "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning"'s first effect, it is removed from play face-up.

Does this mean a flip effect like fiber jar's is activated? I am really confused. Please someone clear this up!
Sometimes the wording on the official rulings is kinda weird.  :p

99.9999% sure this is right: All it means is that when you remove the targeted monster from play, it is placed face-up in your Removed From Game pile.  The monster is NOT flipped face-up while it's on the field, so effects like that of "Fiber Jar" won't occur.

edit: FYI: This thread probably should be in the "Rules and Regulation" forum ... moderator?
It is removed from the field before being turned face-up (sort of), so flip-effects don't happen. The point of it being placed face up in the RFG area is for cards like Dimension Fusion, etc. which need to know 'what' the card is. Other cards that remove cards from play face-down like Different Dimension Capsule are not eligible to be retrieved by cards like Dimension Fusion.