Black Luster Soldier turns monsters face up?

  • Thread starter Fallennights51384
  • Start date


I was reading the site. I was looking up Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning. It said When a card is removed from play by "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning"'s first effect, it is removed from play face-up.

Does this mean a flip effect like fiber jar's are actived? I am really confused. Please someone clear this up
That is just to know if both players can see the removed card.

Some cards, like Different Dimension Capsule and Lightforce Sword, remove cards face-down; it means that you or your opponent cannot see them.

BLS removes the face-down monster and reveals it when it has been removed so that you and the opponent could see them and know what monster it was. No Flip-Effects are made.
Removing a card from play face-down makes it so that you can't bring it back, as you can't say it's spell, trap or monster. Every effect that brings cards back specify spell or monster, so they have to be face-up to come back.

Except Time Capsule, of course.