Bolmeteus or Ballom?

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Ok, everyone who do you think is better???
Is it Bolmeteus Steel Dragon or Ballom, the Master of Death???

IMO, it would have to be Ballom--He's a late game drop that can absolutely devastate your opponent-unless they are running a black deck too --- :p

Feedback on this one???
Bolmeteous all the way only because it got graham an invite to worlds.
i say it is a mix of both. from what i have heard Bolmeteous id like the BLS of duelmasters because it is in all the top 8's and you pretty much have o base the deck around him.
i have to agree to bolmeteus because he destroys the shields

most people rely on ther shield to give them a new move to try and win the game

bolmeteus takes the chance away from shield triggers as well
Ballom's cool and all, but I gotta go with Bolmeteus on this one. He's cheaper, and with all the Dragon support out today, he's way easier to play.
Bol is better. The BLS of DM. I still use Balloom, in fact I like him more than Bolmedius, but I understand why he is in almost every Deck. Game winning.
Back, when I first posted this Bolmetus had just came out. Ballom was still very big at our store and was the game winner. So I decided to see which card people thought was more broken--

I know Bolmetus has some serious power to him, but Ballom, when dropped at the right time, ends games. I do suppose that Bolmetus could be argued the same way though....
I guess it could, but Baloom still ends games at the right time with the right cards. I mean seriously.
I guess it just comes down to the meta you're in. If people are Shiled Trigger crazy, Bolmeteus would be the proper tech. If it's more Appropriate to beat your opponent senseless, Ballom is the better choice.
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