Breaker vs Pulling the Rug


New Member
Since Breaker is coming back in 9/1, I want to know this ruling.

Since when Breaker is normal summoned, it automatically gains 1 spell counter. (before destroying any s/t or whatever) I CAN activate Pulling the Rug to this effect of Breaker gaining spell counter and negate that effect and destroying it right?

I think this is legal. (Since stuff like All Cyberdark machine monsters falls into this category as well)
Since the effect of placing the Spell counter occurs when Breaker is normal summoned, Pulling the Rug is a legitimate activation in response to the normal summon. the effect would be negated and Breaker would then be destroyed.
The placing of a Spell Counter on Breaker is an effect that activates when it's Normal Summoned, so you're right; Pulling the Rug will destroy him.

It's essentially the same as Zaborg and other monarchs with automatic trigger effects upon being summoned since Pulling the Rug also works on them.