Burnt Ruins


The Syndicate...
Burnt Ruins - Version 1a
-Neil Karunatilaka
-Jeremy Johnson
Deck Purpose
Main goal of Burnt Ruins is to get the loop of "Manticore of Darkness" going, with "Fire Princess", "Card of Safe Return", and "Solemn Wishes" out on the field and in play. Which results into the deck user drawing most; if not all of their deck, and burning away the opposing player's life points.

If the above combo can not be obtained..., by drawing all the cards in your deck with the Manticore of Darkness loop, the deck player can therefore use the "Blasting the Ruins(s)" Trap Cards to seal the game. By drawing their whole deck from the Manticore loop, they will obtain the 3 copies of "Blasting the Ruins" that are in the deck, and then set those 3 Trap Cards Face-Down. When they declare to end their turn, they must discard cards until the hand limit is reached (6 cards); therefore meeting "Blasting the Ruins" activation requirments of 30+ cards in the Card Graveyard (since they will discard their massive hand), resulting in game (BTRx3=9000lp damage).

Sidedeck Usage
The Sidedeck was designed in mind that most people will find out the decks weakness and try use their own Sidedeck to exploit and ravage the deck. For those instances, the Sidedeck design below was created sort of as a "Anti-Sidedeck". With powerful monsters and cards considered "staples", it converts the deck to a almost Beastdown feel, throwing off the opponent.
Monsters 10
2x Manticore of Darkness
2x UFO Turtle
3x Fire Princess
2x Toon Cannon Soldier
1x Cyber Jar

Spells 23
3x Card of Safe Return
1x Card Destruction
2x Last Will
3x Reload
1x Premature Burial
1x Brain Control
1x Snatch Steal
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Giant Trunade
2x Wave-Motion Cannon
3x Monster Gate-1x Added
1x Creature Swap
1x Scapegoat
3x Toon Table of Contents

Traps 8
3x Solemn Wishes
3x Blasting the Ruins
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Call of the Haunted

Sidedeck 15
1x Morphing Jar
1x Reasoning
2x Berserk Gorilla
2x Enraged Battle Ox
2x Exarion Universe
2x Sakuretsu Armor
1x Dark Hole
1x Exiled Force
1x Dust Tornado
1x Breaker the Magical Warrior
1x Nobleman of Crossout


Any comments, suggestions, rates or fixes are greatly appreciated. Thanks.
*is nodding head*

VERY nice. Very, very nice.

I've never seen anything like it, it looks like it works, and it has an awesome strategy. I don't even think I have a suggestion at all. Let's see... You'd need to draw 16 cards to OTK your opponent with the first combo... That's easily attainable. The fact that you have a fallback plan is even better. This is an amazing deck. Good luck with it! :D
Well built, speedy... Up the Monster Gate count to 3. Why? Because if you sac a manticore for the gate, and manticore comes out of the gate, what do you have? One in the grave, and one on the field. Exactly.

pssvr said:
...Up the Monster Gate count to 3. Why? Because if you sac a manticore for the gate, and manticore comes out of the gate, what do you have? One in the grave, and one on the field. Exactly.
Hey 3 Monster Gates aint that bad of an idea. Adds more speed to deck, and like pssvr stated, its a quicker way for me to get the Manticore loop going.
CardsOfTheHeart said:
My advice: Get rid of a Reload for the 3rd Monster Gate.
Take out Reload for the 3rd? hmm... i dunno. Although Monster Gate is good and all, 2 Reloads can help out quite a lot in this deck; adds the speed to it.

Perhaps i will just add the Monster Gate, so it will make the deck 42 total. Not Bad.

Thanks pssvr and CardsOfTheHeart for the suggestion. Any others are greatly welcome.
Any other suggestions out there? Or does the deck look ok to you guys? Just wanted some more advice if any1 had any.

(I am thinking of running this as my main deck; switching from tomato control)
biggest possible weakness is that you can't set the three Ruins same turn you abuse the Manticore loop. It all happens in End Phase when you can't set anything else (unless you use Dust Tornados to set them same turn after killing another card)

That and for Advanced play Cyber Jar is banned (of course)
looks cool, good for fun but not tourney worthy... a manticore+ card of safe return+ exodia type deck is easier to pull off... here you need both manticores+ card of safe return+ solemn wishes+ fire princess. not very easy to pull and with royal decree getting more popular... it can stop your solemn and pretty much that combo. too slow.