Can you summon BLS-E from...


New Member
the deck, by removing the 2 monsters from play?

Or does he have to be in your hand?

I ask because people made comment this weekend stating he could be summoned from your deck, however this doesn't sound right. Would make the card too powerful.

icecold said:
if its in the grave can you remove the 2 cards to special summon it??
You have to Special Summon it properly first and then it can be "reborn" from from the Graveyard through other revival card effects without removing Lights and Darks. Unless, of course, it's sent back to your deck or hand. Then you have to start all over again.
Or if its a "Nomi" monster that can cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. I can only be Special Summoned by....... kind of effect.

Or, if the text on the card restricts it from being Special Summoned from the Grave, like Dark Ruler Ha Des.

Or, if Ive misinterpreted your question in some way.
DarkPaladin2k1 said:
Really? that means unless the monster is a fusion i still get it back, right?
Im not sure what your asking.

But a properly Fusioned Summoned Fusion Monster (Fusion Gate & Polymerization are the only two that do this for right now) and a propery Ritual Summoned Ritual Monster can all be "reborn" using the Appropriate revival effects. As long as they were properly summoned before going to the Graveyard. Only the Nomi Monsters, the ones that use "this monster cannot be Specal Summoned except by. . ." cannot be revived regardless of being summoned properly in the first place. This is because they have only one way they can be Special Summoned and one way only.