Can't think of a name (Structure deck, why not?)


Asylum Outbreak
Greed is Good

I just thougt of this so funny, actually going to try it a little.
Monsters 12
Sasuke Samurai #3
Sasuke Samurai #3
Sasuke Samurai #3
The Bistro Butcher
The Bistro Butcher
The Protector of the Sanctuary
Needle Worm
Earth Copy LV3*
Earth Copy LV5*
Mask of Darkness

Spells 11
Level Modulation
Level Modulation
Card Destruction
Swords of Revealing Light
Mind Wipe
Mind Wipe
Double Snare
Double Snare
Premature Burial
Shiens Spy
Creature Swap
Creature Swap
Restructer Revolution

Traps 17
Heavy Crash*
Heavy Crash*
Skull Invitation
Skull Invitation
Bubble Crash
Bubble Crash
Heavy Slump
Heavy Slump
Heavy Slump
Disturbance Strategy
Disturbance Strategy
Call of the Haunted
Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane
Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane
Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane
Earth Copy LV3
Discard 1 Earth flip-effect monster from your hand and equip it to this card. Each time your opponant attacks this monster activate the effect of the equiped monster. During 3 cards from your hand and send this face-up card to the graveyard to Special-Summon 1 Earth Copy LV5 from your hand or deck.
Earth Copy LV5
rock/ effect
This monster is not destroyed as a result of battle at any time.
Pay 1000 Life points and select 1 Earth Monster in your graveyard. This monster has the same effect as the selected monster(s) until the your opponant's End Phase.
Heavy Crash
Normal Trap
Both players lose 100 lifepoints for every card in their hand and field. Both players draw 1 card from their decks.