I missed something somewhere. At Regionals a judge ruled the following:
Player A had Magician of Faith face down with swords face up and player B had Spear Dragon and Horus LV4 face up with Ceasefire set. A drew his card and summoned an effect monster. B no response. A flipped Magician of Faith. B then activated Ceasefire and stated that A could not use Magician's effect to get a spell card as its flip effect is negated by Ceasefire. The judge ruled Magician's effect is negated. What am I missing ?
I understood that ruling if MOF was flipped by Ceasefire prior to flip summoning but how does it negate a flip effect after it has been flip summoned? The head judge at Anaheim Regionals upheld the decision so I guess I am still missing some timing understanding. Someone point me in the right direction for explanation and/or reference. What happened to not "Chaining to a summon" cause thats what it looks like happened in this case?
Player A had Magician of Faith face down with swords face up and player B had Spear Dragon and Horus LV4 face up with Ceasefire set. A drew his card and summoned an effect monster. B no response. A flipped Magician of Faith. B then activated Ceasefire and stated that A could not use Magician's effect to get a spell card as its flip effect is negated by Ceasefire. The judge ruled Magician's effect is negated. What am I missing ?
I understood that ruling if MOF was flipped by Ceasefire prior to flip summoning but how does it negate a flip effect after it has been flip summoned? The head judge at Anaheim Regionals upheld the decision so I guess I am still missing some timing understanding. Someone point me in the right direction for explanation and/or reference. What happened to not "Chaining to a summon" cause thats what it looks like happened in this case?