Ceasefire and Magician of Faith


New Member
I missed something somewhere. At Regionals a judge ruled the following:
Player A had Magician of Faith face down with swords face up and player B had Spear Dragon and Horus LV4 face up with Ceasefire set. A drew his card and summoned an effect monster. B no response. A flipped Magician of Faith. B then activated Ceasefire and stated that A could not use Magician's effect to get a spell card as its flip effect is negated by Ceasefire. The judge ruled Magician's effect is negated. What am I missing ?
I understood that ruling if MOF was flipped by Ceasefire prior to flip summoning but how does it negate a flip effect after it has been flip summoned? The head judge at Anaheim Regionals upheld the decision so I guess I am still missing some timing understanding. Someone point me in the right direction for explanation and/or reference. What happened to not "Chaining to a summon" cause thats what it looks like happened in this case?
If the situation went down as you explained, then I would say that the ruling was in error. Once MoF was flip summoned her effect started a chain, at that point Ceasefire could only be chained to her effect since you can't chain to a summon. You would take the damage from Ceasefire, but in no way would MoF's effect be negated at that point since she wasn't flipped by Ceasefire's effect.
The only way that that Judge's ruling would've been correct would be if the turn player didn't allow the non-turn player a chance to respond to the first summon, the best way to avoid this problem would be to actually ask if the opponent wishes to respond. Otherwise it would be exactly as jdos put it.
yep that a wrong ruleing, one she flip her effect active ceasie fire would then go on chain if chained to it, dealing 2k damg in this case then you get you magic card back