change of heart after cyber jar.


New Member
okay here goes the situation.

Player A sets a Face down Cyberjar
Player B summons Giant orc and attacks.
Player A gets Night assailant (puts face down) and Ninja Grandmaster sasuke (leaves in attack) with a few other cards.
Player B gets Magician Of Fiath (puts face down) and gets a few other cards, Card destruction etc...
Player B then during mainphase 2 they play Change of heart on the night assailant and flips summons it to kill the grandmaster in player A side.

now my thought is that Player B couldnt do that since the monsters just got summoned.

could somebody help me out and figuring out why player B can flip summon the night assaialant that just got put face down on Players A side if you actually can do it.
Monsters that are Special Summoned, can't have their positions manually changed in the same turn(ie. Flip Summon or change to Defense position). Though Book of Taiyou will work, since it's not a 'manual' flip.
This is a slightly moot point, but can also work to your advantage...

When resolving Cyber Jar's effect, the whole act of both players drawing/showing/summoning or setting is a simultaneous effect. In that case you put this whole process into a chain....

So in your scenario, player A would draw/show/summon-set and then player B would do this same.

Again, while in most casual play this does not matter, it can have HUGE implications in some hard core games. For instance, if player A didn't get any mosnter cards at all, player B would be inclined to put all of their monsters in face up attack position (even the weaker ones) to get a free hit on them.

Just some food for thought...
krazykidpsx said:
okay here goes the situation.

Player A sets a Face down Cyberjar
Player B summons Giant orc and attacks.
Player A gets Night assailant (puts face down) and Ninja Grandmaster sasuke (leaves in attack) with a few other cards.
Player B gets Magician Of Fiath (puts face down) and gets a few other cards, Card destruction etc...
Player B then during mainphase 2 they play Change of heart on the night assailant and flips summons it to kill the grandmaster in player A side.

now my thought is that Player B couldnt do that since the monsters just got summoned.

could somebody help me out and figuring out why player B can flip summon the night assaialant that just got put face down on Players A side if you actually can do it.

for the purposes of YGO mechanics the special sumon preovided by cyber jar occur at same time for both players


a monster may not be flip sumoned in the same turn it was set

and only one manual change position is alowed on a monster per turn
