Compiling a Glossary

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Digital Jedi

Staff member
If you wouldn't mind helping me out here, I'd like to compile a list of VS Decks nicknames and their definitions in a glossary for the VS Guides section. Just post up their names and what team affiliation they run and what their supposed to accomplish.

So far I have a few names, but thanks to my desire to never play anything remotely common, no accurate definitions of what they do. So, if you would, just post any you can think of and what their supposed to do. Also, you can include deck types that don't get played much anymore, due to morphing into something else. A little history on how some decks evolved would be a welcome addition to the glossary definitions. Thanks.
You'll just have to give me a call someday and I'll tell all that I can think of to you. I'm just too dang lazy to type all that out.
Well, we don't have to do it all at once. One or two at a time from each member who can think of one and we could have one in a few weeks. Plus the glossary will always require updates. I'm just looking to get a base to start with. Here's what I can syphon from my dim memory:

GLEE: Any deck that generally utilizes a Green Lantern/Lantern Emerald Enemies team-up.

GLEE Stall: A specific build that typically utilizes ______ and _____ in an attempt to _________.

Fantastic Toys: An early VS build that utilized Fatastic Four and Equipments.

Mexican Hardware:

Okay, I got nothing. I just don't interact with VS players enough casually to know what any of these terms mean. Which is part an parcel the reason for me compiling this glossary to begin with.
Mexican Hardware if waht team FTN was using for the PC. Its a squadron deck with a splash of Wild Rides and Marvel Knight characters from drop 1-4 to make sure that you hit your drops and so you can utilize their abilities as well. =)
I see the Mexican Hardware deck as a Silver age High Voltage deck. They are built and run the same way and only vary in about 15 or so cards that I can tell.

Most of your older decks went by the team up name or the affilaition they used. That isn't the case now days so its harder to label all the decks out there.
But why choose the name Mexican Hardware? It seems evryone knows the name but no one can tell me where the name comes from. Is there some sort of "border" refrence I'm missing? Maybe a guy in a sombrero?
That is something that I will have to ask Vidi the next time I see him.

If you really want to compile a glossary, then hit up metagame if you have the time.
The name is actually a joke against the designer of the deck. It's kind of an inside thing to FTN. I forget who they said came up with the majority of the idea, but they called the deck Mexican Hardware Store because the builder specifically requested that they not call it anything to do with ethnicity or something like that.
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