D-Hero Plasma + Premature Burial


New Member
If I already summoned Destiny Hero - Plasma and he's destroyed/sent to the graveyard, can I special summon him from the graveyard using Premature Burial? Thanks.
"This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by..."

The classic sign of a Nomi monster. Nomi monsters can ONLY EVER POSSIBLY be Special Summoned from the hand by the effect written on the card. Any other method does not work.

So Premature Burial will not work, even if you've properly Special Summoned it before.

This kind of question is asked way too often. I'm sure this phrase is discussed in the basic rulebook nowadays.

EDIT: Okay, it's not in the basic rulebook. I wish UDE would reformat card text, and add little extras like "Nomi" and "Piercing Battle Damage" classification for easy reference. Perhaps even clearly mark what things happen upon activation and resolution of the card, and split up multiple effects. I'd do it myself, but it'd take a while, and I doubt anyone would use it anyway. Like my Deck Masters. *sigh*