Dark Gravekeeper's World


New Member
Wow, getting used to these new forums is tricky, lol

I thought I'd post this deck here, as it just took today's Columbus, OH regionals by storm, noone was expecting it, and it went a total of 7-1 for the day, making top 4 (where the play stopped since everyone all got the same prizes anyway,) and only losing to suffering some bad draws against a zombie deck that got good draws, to which this deck especially tends to shut down almost completely. I'd been playing a very similar build on my DS 2k7 game, as a test and practice, and it's just phenominal.

I think John had mentioned he played a similar build at one point, or at least tried one out.

Count: 40
Monsters: 21
Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World x3
Sillva, Warlord of Dark World
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Gravekeeper's Assailant x3
Gravekeeper's Commandant x3
Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier x3
Gravekeeper's Spy x3
Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World x2
Morphing Jar

Spells: 14
Card Destruction
Dark World Dealings x2
Dark World Lightning x3
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
Necrovalley x3
Royal Tribute x3

Traps: 5
Deck Devastation Virus x2
Mind Crush
Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute

Side Deck: 15
Dark World Dealings
Dust Tornado x2
Gren, Tactician of Dark World x2
Jinzo x2
Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World
Pulling the Rug x3
Royal Decree x2
Wave-Motion Cannon x2
side deck: - Kakki, dealings, + crow x 2, twisters over D/T, and u really should be maindecking BOM. I'm not so sure 'bout the Gren either becuz it becomes a combo and maybe too hard pressed use gren effect when they are breathing down your neck. If ur opp sides oppresion/bansher/crow you will also be in for a world of hurt. Not knockin the performance @ reggies, cuz like u said, ppl were ill prepared for dw/gk. But in the future be wary of cursed seal, dim fisssure, and banisher. RFG sides are commin back w/ a vengance to stop zombies, PCM, and other recruiters.
looks solid. why no gravekeepers guard though. hes amazing. how many people were at this regional. also, does DW work with necrovalley, i thought that it didnt. wat is ur meta like up there. im from KS and we are seeing striaght PC, and some machine, and alot of beast beatdown (baboon)
Well, this time there were 122 players show up. Last month had 169, but I didn't make it to it.

It's a wide mix of everything, from what I saw, but primarily Zombies, Perfect Circle-type Monarchs (or PC-Zombie Hybrid someone in the Top 8 had), Volcanic-Monarchs or Volcanic-Apprentice-Monarchs, and the Kenny So Burn variant I guess you call it.... but there were also Six Samurai, Crystal Beasts, Gadgets, Demise, and just many other decks.

I personally went against Crystal Beast, Zombie, Zombie, Volcanic-Apprentice-Monarchs, Zombie, Gadgets, Zombie, and then in the last match for prize distribution, it was a Monarch variant, just not sure which kind.

A couple of people DID side deck Royal Opression against me, it didn't help them. Crow is useless if Necrovalley is in play, since it can't target the graveyard OR remove anything from play, though one person did side it in against me, and realized later how useless that move was. Banisher didn't help the Gadget deck at all, I ran over it all the time, since keeping a Necrovalley out wasn't that difficult except against the one person that sided in Twisters along with his Dust Tornadoes, it just wasn't enough for them it seemed. Other than that, you don't even play Necrovalley until you need it, or immediately against Zombies especially.

Adding Crow to my side deck wouldn't help, due to the Necrovalley thing I mentioned. I never made use of the Dust Tornadoes, they were just in there in case I ran into a DD deck, mostly, the only things I ended up siding in all day were The Royal Decrees and Jinzos, or the Pulling the Rugs. I also tended to add the third Dealings over the Lightning, as it seemed to work better, flow-wise. I might switch Mind Crush for Book of Moon, but they're both situational, so I just chose to be more offensive. I'm not really a huge Book of Moon fan unless I can truely abuse it.

Lots of people had Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell in their side decks because some people still play Demise, but noone bothered to side it in against me, I was expecting it, though, I know the deck has some weaknesses, but it punishes others more, in general.

The big way to play it is to just know when to use Necrovalley and Royal Tribute especially. You CAN OTK with the deck if you manage to get the god draw, but it's not very likely, it's just happened before. It takes a lot of practice to play really efficiently, especially knowing when to use everything. Just the fact that Necrovalley alone stops so many cards (Premature, Call, Pot of Avarice, DD Crow, Transmigration, Malicious, and just lots of others that are less common,) if you get a Necrovalley and Royal Tribute on the first turn, and aren't stuck with a complete handful of non-Dark World monsters.... you're already forcing your opponent to topdeck all of their monsters right from the start.
looks solid. why no gravekeepers guard though. hes amazing. how many people were at this regional. also, does DW work with necrovalley, i thought that it didnt. wat is ur meta like up there. im from KS and we are seeing striaght PC, and some machine, and alot of beast beatdown (baboon)

Oh, and as for why no Guard.... this deck plays more offensively, than defensively, and with Guard, bouncing back a Monarch, Stratos, or Gadget right now especially is never a good thing to let your opponent abuse them. I might side them in against Zombies sometime, but I've never found I've needed them.
i applaud you for being able to gain and maintain advantage. I've never had much success w/ a field card of any kind. I had tried GK, early in the format, just to see if it would be viable, and I always drew blanks, while the opp God handed repeatedly...(sadface.gif)
Oh god i take back what i said..i was looking up some of the cards because i didnt know them.....you know get a feel for them. Royal tribute is really beast..i hope im right to assume that it triggers DW affects.... wow...it can be really beast. Do you mind if i make my own variant of it? More DW-Ish
Oh, no worries, feel free to modify it however you want. I feel Royal Tribute is definitely one of the most abusable cards out there right now for Dark World, the only downfall is of course needing to have Necrovalley out at the same time to use it.