deck garage access

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New Member
i was wondering hoe i could get access to the deck garage forum.
i tried to get in but its locked.
iwant to put my skill drain deck so it can be fixed.
He's right. What you'll need to do is PM or e-mail one of the Deck Garage mechanics your deck list and how you want to see it fixed, etc. Then, the mechanic who fixes it will post it in the Deck Garage section for all to see (or not, if you'd prefer not to have it shown.)
As much as I respect the deck garage people, I honestly think you get a wider and greater feedback by posting in the advanced decks forum.
ill be honest there is only so much we deck mechanics can do. We put time into the stuff, well i used to... sometimes i do alot. but for more feedback just go to advance format. :)
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