Desert Sunlight timing against Call of the Haunted?


New Member
We have a question regarding timing on this card [Desert Sunlight], we had a scenario in a game earlier today, and are unsure how the mechanics and timing work on trap cards.

The game was like this:

My friend had 2 Monsters facedown, & Call of the Haunted in his Spell/Trap zone.

It was my turn, and I had already face down a Morphing jar#2 and Needle Worm, I then set another Morphing Jar#2, and set Desert Sunlight facedown in my Spell/Trap zone, & ended my turn.

I waited till he drew his card, at the start of his go.

Then activated Desert Sunlight, & started flipping my monsters over.

heres the problem!!!

He said that in response, counter to my flipping of Desert Sunlight, he was able to flip Call of the Haunted and special summon Jinzo from his graveyard, and stop the effect of Desert Sunlight going threw.

I agreed he could bring back Jinzo, with Call of the Haunted, but didnt agree it stopped Desert Sunlights effect from working as I had already flipped it before he countered with Call of the Haunted.

Am I right???

I have played this kind of deck online for ages, and have never come up against this before.

I know that before, I have flipped Desert Sunlight just after my opponent has drawn at the start of there go, and then it has gone on to flip my effect monsters over one by one, without a break in the chain,and at the END, my opponent has flipped a set Torrential Tribute to destroy them all, but the effects have still gone threw. Not paused like on the first monster flipped, for my opponent to counter with Torrential tribute to destroy the first flipped effect monster and all the other ones facedown that where going to be flipped by Desert Sunlights effect.

Please let us know.

Thanks for all replys

He said that in response, counter to my flipping of Desert Sunlight, he was able to flip Call of the Haunted and special summon Jinzo from his graveyard, and stop the effect of Desert Sunlight going threw.


While the correct term would be "in response to" or "In a chain to", not "counter to", this is fine.

I agreed he could bring back Jinzo, with Call of the Haunted, but didnt agree it stopped Desert Sunlights effect from working as I had already flipped it before he countered with Call of the Haunted.Cardinal

This part is incorrect. The Chain is built: Desert Sunlight (activates)=>Call (activates). They resolve: Call Special Summons Jinzo.....Jinzo's Continuous Effect kicks in as soon as he hits the field, negating all Trap Cards immediately....=>Desert Sunlight tries to Resolve, but "fizzles" out as Jinzo stops it cold.

I know that before, I have flipped Desert Sunlight just after my opponent has drawn at the start of there go, and then it has gone on to flip my effect monsters over one by one, without a break in the chain,and at the END, my opponent has flipped a set Torrential Tribute to destroy them all, but the effects have still gone threw. Not paused like on the first monster flipped, for my opponent to counter with Torrential tribute to destroy the first flipped effect monster and all the other ones facedown that where going to be flipped by Desert Sunlights effect.Cardinal

This is also incorrect. Dessert Sunlight flips the Monsters Face-up, but it does not Summon them. There fore, Torrential Tribute cannot be activated in this instance. Your opponent must wait until after, say, Morphing Jar #2 Special Summons a Monster, and then, assuming it was the last thing to resolve on the chain, he may activate it. In the above senario, you would want to place Needle Worm first on the chain so it would resolve last and thereby prevent your opponent from activating Torrential.
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It was my turn, and I had already face down a Morphing jar#2 and Needle Worm, I then set another Morphing Jar#2, and set Desert Sunlight facedown in my Spell/Trap zone, & ended my turn.

I waited till he drew his card, at the start of his go.

Then activated Desert Sunlight, & started flipping my monsters over.
This implies that you activated Desert Sunlight and didn't wait for a possible response (Call of the Haunted here) before proceeding to flip cards face-up. Some more of what you say implies that you're not clear on the rules surrounding Chains, so I'd suggest you read up on them.

Essentially, every event in the game can be responded to, or, if it's a card being activated, can be chained to. Activating a card does not mean you immediately start resolving it. You need to wait until neither player wants to add an effect to a Chain (usually they're added by playing/flipping Spell & Trap Cards) before you begin to resolve. You resolve a Chain backwards; that is, the last effect added to the Chain is the first one to be resolved. While a Chain is resolving itself, no other effects/cards can be activated.

If you do know this, however, and in your scenario your opponent declined to respond, so you began to resolve Desert Sunlight (flipping monsters face-up). Your opponent then decided he wanted to Summon Jinzo to prevent the flipping of your monsters (which he's seen because youo've flipped them face-up), so tried to sneak Call of the Haunted in there. If so, then your opponent couldn't have done so - he had the chance to stop Desert Sunlight when you activated it, and he declined to do so.

Also note that individual effects cannot at all be interrupted. Desert Sunlight flips all face-down monsters on the field, and that all happens in the same effect. It's impossible to activate Torrential Tribute after flipping the first of several monsters because of Desert Sunlight, because that would be interrupting an effect, which is impossible.

Like I said, I suggest you have another read of how Trap Cards and Chains work. You can ask here about it (in this thread or in another "How do Trap Cards and Chains work?" thread), and you'll likely get really good and detailed responses.