Divine Wrath vs Manju


New Member
I hate to ask this, as I'm sure the answer to this is ABUNDANTLY clear, however, I have not yet found a relevant ruling about this...with the exception to such cards as the Monarchs, but I will explain why there is confusion here for me and a friend of mine:

Simple scenario:

Player A has Divine Wrath set (already set for 1 turn)
Player B summons Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands.

Can Player A activate DW in response to the effect of Manju, thus destroying it (obviously)?

The reason I ask, is because of the small difference in the card texts. I use a Monarch card in this example:

Mobius the Frost Monarch:

"When this card is Tribute Summoned successfully, you can destroy up to 2 Spell or Trap Cards on the field."


Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands:

"When this card is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned, you can select 1 Ritual Monster Card or 1 Ritual Spell Card from your Deck and add it to your hand."

Now, the reason my friend queried about Divine Wrath being able to be used against Manju was due to the "Successfully" text on the Monarchs (and other such cards) VS the lack of the "successfully" text on Manju (and other such cards).

The thing is, while we BOTH know the effect of Manju ISN'T a continuous one (thus, subject to being a target of DW) he debated that though it was not SUCCESSFULLY summoned, it still hit the field in the fashion allowing its effect to activate.

Though, all things considered...while perhaps not SUCCESSFULLY summoned and destroyed by DW...the effect would obviously not occur simply because it was negated.

Thanks in advance to whoever listened to this over-extended post.
Just remember, you have to wait until your opponet actually uses the card's effect before you can activate Divine Wrath (since the effects of both of these cards is optional. If you try to activate Divine Wrath before this, you've just revealed you trap, and you opponet won't use their monster's effect, thus saving it from death.
As I thought, thank you all. The question wasn't so much WHEN you could activate it...rather if you could. The answer was 99% obvious...it's always that tiny little voice in your head that occasionally gives that 1% of doubt. Usually it behaves itself and just asks for cake, but this time, it wanted something different.

You know...I never really considered the optional side of Manju, Senju and Sonic Bird. I mean, I KNEW that it was optional...but I never considered that someone would run it WITHOUT the intent to use it's effect.

I assume that the person much say "I AM USING IT'S EFFECT" (Yugi complex, hence the caps)...and THEN Divine Wrath is activated, preventing them from being able to search their deck.

Righto, thanks again.