Duelist on the Street Article #3 - The Game within the Game

Duelist on the Street Article #3 The Game within the Game

Hello to another article from me i am cao pi. This time I'm gonna tell you about "the game within the game": trading. Trading can
be a pretty tough even for an expert. Now, for my 3rd article, I'm throwing another topic at you. How to store and protect your cards. Alright, first of is trading. You should go by these basics and remember: When in trouble, refer to the basics.

1. If you need it, get it.

2. [Unless your trying to get the complete set] If
you don't need it, trade it for something you do need.

3. [If you are going for the set] Only trade a card if you have a copy of the card.

4. If you're not sure of a trade, either ask a person [one that doesn't have stake in the deal] or use a price guide [one that is reliable].

Now you should be pretty suffecient in trading. Now I want you to do a little aptittude test. Guess if the following trades are fair on both sides.

Your Fire Princess for their Cyber Dragon

Your Gatling Dragon for a Divine Wrath

Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 for a Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning

D.D. Warrior Lady for D.D. Assailant

Now for the second topic of this week's article. The storing and protecting of your cards.

Now most people usually just slap their commons in a cardboard box and their holos [holographic cards or cards that are shiny in their pictures] in a binder. Now I"m gonna give you some tips[man now I sound like Martha Stewart] on storing your cards.

1. Store your commons in a safe place[you never know when you need them]

2. Treat Structure Deck holos as commons [except Scapegoats].

3. Try to sort your commons for quick "common sifting" [when you look at your unused commons, looking for revoulutionary game breaking cards (ex. Thunder Dragon)]

4. You can probably find a pack of card binder pages. You can probably find a 100 pack for $4.00.

5. Holos should be put into card sleeves when in storage.

Sorry for the small article this time guys, you know I kinda lost my spark. Well actually I was kinda scraping for a topic this week. So if you can help me think up some topics or need some help with a topic [man, now I sound like cheat!] just PM me [I'm gonna be down this week [it's Thanksgiving, what do you expect?].Also suggestions to up my writing skills would be very appreciated.

yeah, i wish I knew how to store cards when I got started. Some cards I use today, mainly for sentiment, like my lob swords are rather ragged.