E-Hero Stratos

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John Danker

So what's this E-Hero Stratos do that I've been hearing about coming out in Shonen Jump that people are so hot to get their hands on?
Oh, he is awesome! He is an 1800 hitter (measly 300 DEF) when he is Normal or Special Summoned, you can either destroy S/T cards = to # of E and D- Heroes on your field (himself excluded), or add 1 E or D-Hero from your deck to your hand!

elemental hero stratos is only realy useful in elemental hero and destiny hero decks. these decks are the only decks that will be able to do a straight swap with breaker the magical warrior.
elemental hero stratos should have been semi limited especialy with the ban on breaker the magical warrior.
It actually is limited to 1 on the next ban list. For 1, so E hero decks can't abuse it in this way, and secondly, so decks can't have an 1800 floater.
what i'm saying is it would have been better semi limited rather than limited.
as it could have been used by more people not just the that run elemental hero or destiny hero decks.
if were semi lilmited i would done a straight swap for breaker the magiacal warrior and magicain of faith but as it's limited to one i'm still having trouble finding a good replacement for breaker the magiacal warrior.
Anyone who knows me, knows how much I'm going to love this card. As with any card, I feel what makes it useful can be summed up in one word: versatility. Anything that gives you more than one option is good in my book.
Since today's Shounen Jump Championship is the ONLY TIME where E-Hero Stratos isn't in the 1per deck slot, (i.e. before the march banlist) I won't be surprised if someone is runing 3x Stratos in his main deck. Heck, I won't be surprised if a bunch of 3x Stratos deck makes the top 8. Stratos >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gadgets (And thus 1 per deck ruling.)

Yeah, it HAVE to be 1 per deck. It's Gadgets + "potential Breaker" in a 1800ATK beatstick warrior form. TOO FREAKING POWERFUL. At least this way, the "gadget" part of the effect dies. Now it's just "ROTA + Potential Breaker" in a E-Hero or D-Hero deck only.

No BS combo like Stratos searchs Stratos. And then next turn Stratos Searchs ANOTHER stratos. And then uses Premature/CotH to bring out another Stratos (Probably died with a wasted card effect by your foe with Saku/Exiled/etc) and bust a s/t along with it. And after that Pot of Avarice to fuel back your 3x Stratos later on...
i still think think it should have been semi limited then it could have been used to try and get breakers effect.
in my deck at 2 copys it could search for it self then hopefuly destroy a spell or trap card.
because theres no guarente the first i summon will still be around next turn.
I don't think so. New shonens don't usually hit stores till' 1 or 2 weeks after the subscribers get them. I don't know, I haven't checked with the stores over here yet, but this soon seems unlikely.
I FREAKING KNEW IT! I KNEW THERE WERE GUNNA BE PEOPLE WHO ARE GUNNA RUN THAT D-HERO OTK deck that's been on japan. Now we got 3x Stratos. (It's being called Diamond Dude Turbo, same thing) Yo Jathro, read the "Diamond Dude Turbo" topic stuff on the Shounen Jump that's on Metagame. That's what I was talking about. (Of course, they also had Dandylion/Foolish Burial. But 3x Stratos should help enough)
would you care to explain more about the diamonddude otk thing drzero, coz i dont get it and i personallly would like to know more about it..
I saw some of the judges playing around with variants of this "Diamond Dude Turbo" deck at the sneak preview today. They were using proxies for most of the stuff (who has 3x Malicious and 3x Destiny Draw at this point?), but it looked like lots of fun. Too bad Stratos will be at 1. Even then, it still worked pretty well.
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