Endurance Payment

You may not use Garth when you are at less than or equal to 2 END. :)

You have to be able to pay any costs to put a payment power effect on the chain. If such a payment would put you below 0, you are not considered able to pay.
Why "Garth"...lol

Actually I was asking for "Punisher's Armory" I had this killer idea of using a combo with [vcard="dor-122"]Jinx[/vcard], [vcard="MMK-039"]Punisher's Armory[/vcard] and [vcard="DSM-141"]The Joker-Emperor joker[/vcard].

It would have been a sick combo if I could pay into the negatives, there would be no way for me to lose come turn 8 if I had the combo of those 3 cards in the field.
Garth seems to be the biggest question in terms of people wanting to pay into negatives (and also the 3 END cost matched). But no, if you don't have at least as much END as the cost, you may not pay and put the effect on the chain.