New Member
*Deck sides into DDT during 2nd round. The Calculator is something I'm still testing out.
*Prohibition to stop Crow, when siding back into explosion.
*Phantom is for failed reasoning with valley, to add it back to RTG for looping. Also works with the one random plasma to catch Jinzo and Shien.
*Trying to also decide on Shien or Prime Material Dragon in side.
- 2x Destiny Hero - Dogma
- 1x Destiny Hero - Plasma
- 3x Cyber Valley
- 1x Phantom of Chaos
- 1x Dark Magician of Chaos
- 1x Destiny Hero - Disk Commander
- 1x Elemental Hero Stratos
- 3x Monster Gate
- 3x Hand Destruction
- 3x Reasoning
- 2x Machine Duplication
- 2x Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade
- 2x Magical Stone Excavation
- 2x Destiny Draw
- 2x Allure of Darkness
- 2x Reinforcement of the Army
- 1x Giant Trunade
- 1x Spell Reproduction
- 1x Monster Reborn
- 1x Premature Burial
- 1x Hard Destruction
- 1x Scapegoat
- 1x Dimension Fusion
- 3x Magical Explosion
- 1x D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master
- 2x Jinzo
- 1x Calculator
- 1x Destiny Hero - Dasher
- 2x Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude
- 1x Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster
- 1x Heavy Storm
- 1x Brain Control
- 2x Lightning Vortex
- 1x Prime Material Dragon/Grand Shogun Shien
- 2x Prohibition
*Deck sides into DDT during 2nd round. The Calculator is something I'm still testing out.
*Prohibition to stop Crow, when siding back into explosion.
*Phantom is for failed reasoning with valley, to add it back to RTG for looping. Also works with the one random plasma to catch Jinzo and Shien.
*Trying to also decide on Shien or Prime Material Dragon in side.