Fairy cards in Cyber Dark Set?? Also, is it true about a Fairy structure deck?

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Dr Kain

CoG iTrader
Is the name of the series after Power of the Duelist going to be Cyber Dark? Also, does anyone know how many Fairy cards are going to be in it? From the pics I saw, it looks like 1 or 2, but maybe I missed more due to the pictures being blurry.

Also, someone at work said there is going to be a Fairy Structure Deck soon, is that true?
It's called Cyberdark Impact from what I've seen. I don't believe a spoiler has been posted yet on CoG. Not sure why.
Barrier Statue of Radiances
(Fairy / LIGHT / 4 Stars / ATK 1000 / DEF 1000)
When this card is face-up on the field, all non-Light main-type monsters cannot be special summon.

Vanity Ruler
(Fairy / LIGHT / 8 Stars / ATK 2500 / DEF 1600)
This card cannot be special summon. When this card is face-up on the field, opponent cannot special summon any monster(s).

Earth Mother Iris
(Fairy / LIGHT / 6 Stars / ATK 2400 / DEF 1200)
When 3 Chains is piled, draw a card from deck. When an effect by the same name card activates on the same chain multiple times, this effect cannot be activate.
You beat me to it, Maruno. But let me add these cards which should boost the "Counter Fairy" decks.

Vanity Call
Trap - Counter
This card can be activate after or on Chain 4. Pay half of your lifepoints, negate all effects and activation
of cards on the same chain, and destroy all those cards.

Ascending Black Horn
Trap - Counter
Negate the special summon of an opponent's monster and destroy it.

And yes, it is rumored that there will be a Fairy Structure after the Machine structure. Don't hold your breath though... it could be some time away.
Actually it's supposed to be a LIGHT Themed Structure deck, although since most Fairies are Light, it's not out the realm of possibility.
I believe the LIGHT deck will be predominantly Fairy judging by the description I have seen. Something about LP increases, etc...

Sorry, I thought this would be more informative, but my brain is shot for the night.
...yeah I hear that too, it´s about gain LP and Draw cards, but I still have the faith that we could have "Marshmellow" in there LMAO...
I am waiting to see the DARK deck. I was hoping that Fiends would get their own Structure, but if Fairies go in the LIGHT deck, then Fiends would probably be the DARK deck to maintain balance. DDV or CCV maybe? please please please
Man, if the Light Structur Deck would only have Marshmellow in it...

<eyes sparkle, while looking at the sky and wishing upon a star>
I would wish like slither did, but i have no compulsion to have DJ olbiterate my hopes in the same way... So I'll do it this way. *pulls out magic 8-ball* *asks while shaking* will Marshmellon in it?

on the real though, I'd buy the structure deck for just that one card, if it is/were to be in it. it would go great in my burn deck.
bear said:
I would wish like slither did, but i have no compulsion to have DJ olbiterate my hopes in the same way... So I'll do it this way. *pulls out magic 8-ball* *asks while shaking* will Marshmellon in it?


What can I say? It's my "day off". :redface
Digital Jedi said:

What can I say? It's my "day off". :redface

I'll have to get a calendar to mark those days off and try to prevent more oblideration and destruction of hopes =P
Lord Hades said:
...yeah I hear that too, it´s about gain LP and Draw cards, but I still have the faith that we could have "Marshmellow" in there LMAO...

I hope so. There are several Angel cards that have yet to come to America as Fairies. I also hope that there is a Dunames Dark Witch in the structure deck as the only ebay seller that has that card wnats $35 for it.
Well, we know that the Machine Structure will have that Enemy COntroller as a common, so that even the little kiddies can FINALLY get it, and not just ultra/super rare in some really ancient old packs.

And I would be REALLY happy if they FINALLY release Marshmellon. Then Shining Angel got something else to search other then itself and DDWL. And we can get our "2x Reaper" that everybody ran with 1x Reaper and 1x Marshmellon.
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