Ok, I need a consistent way of beating G-Loc. Anyone has any good ideas?
[ycard="PGD-058" said:Helpoemer[/ycard]316]It's pretty much a GLEE stall deck.
Would you be able to give me a link to a decklist for this deck or any of the decks in this post. I am new to the game and I look at net decks to get to know the cards and their interactions. Any help is appreciated.
Since Speedy's a 1 drop, they either have to use him before you can KO him with GA's effect, or if you don't have any 1 drops on the field, then you can KO him before bringing out any more 1 drops. Either way, he's in the KO'd pile, and most Titans builds only run one copy of him.exiledforcefreak said:I can see how green arrow stops dawn but how exactly does it stop speedy?
babyarm said:Titans is a really tough matchup for G-Lock, I'm testing a second Breaking Ground in order to get rid of Titans Tower and to try and slow down Terra. Green Arrow helps against Speedy and Dawn, and I keep my guys ready so I can Lanterns in Love in response to Finishing Move. As long as i hit my curve and can Dr. Light someone onto the field every turn, I can usually match up with their swarm, and even go on the offensive a little by Turn 4 or 5.