G-Loc hate

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So for those, um, other people that don't know what G-Loc is, could you explain it?
You know, for those, uh, um, other people... :icon_roll
It's pretty much a GLEE stall deck.

Decks like Chicken Squad tend to hate it alot and if you hit some Reigns with New School on 4 then it tends to have a good match up as well.

Injustice Gang can slow it down in a good build and burn the opponent before Mogo comes out on 8 but you lack consistency there.

There are plenty of ways to beat it. I guess the most fun way would be to run the Anti-Matter deck that's floating around. You can find a version that Ryan O'Conner's been running around here for about a month and a half at StarCityVs.com. Just look for his archived articles and it's the last article he wrote I believe.
We've been running the Anti-Matter Army/Rush for about a month, well ever since Chomin appeared. It's a great deck but I don't want to depend on getting a good opening hand to win against G-Loc.

Doom decks are getting hated on pretty badly by the squadron decks with the bad press combo. Assuming they get a Bad Press...

G-Loc is just so darn consistant that it's making me madd... The other day I was playing against it with Squad and got him down to -8 on turn 4 before he was able to recover Black Hand and gain it all back, then I got stalled out and lost.
I've been playing G-Lock, and although I haven't played it against a Doom matchup yet, Reign of Terror can only do so much against it, especially if it hits Malvolio and Katma Tui and can start rebuilding its board. The only ways to really hate against it are to get rid of Dr. Light as early as possible, get rid of Catcher's Mitt, and make them waste their Cover Fires early in the game. If the deck hits its curve from turns 3-4 on, or draws into The Ring Has Chosen, it's really tough to stop. Most G-Lock decks only run one copy of Rain of Acorns, so getting rid of that early can help on off-initiative turns. Otherwise, you have to hit your early curve and hope that they miss Kyle on 2 or Dr. Light on 3.
Do most G-Loc deck run any type of resource removal like Magor Disaster or breaking ground?

If not I think I'm putting together a rigged elections deck, somehow using JLI so that I can use Kooey kooey kooey....
Most builds use 1 copy of Breaking Ground. I haven't seen any with Major Disaster, although I'm thinking of splashing one in to help with IG/Doom decks.
Rigged Elections it is..... buwahahahahahahaha

I tried the MK, GK, JLI, FF, AI build and it was way too hard to pull the combo, I mean I still won 7 out of 10 against squad but didn't win till turn 7. It beat G-Loc, again not till turn 7, (3-drop invisible woman is a must!).

I need something faster....
Run the old school Rigged Elections deck. Basically forget the MK and JLI. Just go with GK/FF/AI.

Basically what you're looking for is to team up and as early as turn 5 flip up Rigged Elections (turn 5 you can team up by using Ventriloquist for example), drop Alfred (after using him if he was already in your hand) and using previously dropped characters, exhast to give counters on Rigged Elections. Use Cosmic Radiation (you'll have it if you had Alfred out before that turn). Use it, re-ready everyone. Pop Alfred back to your hand. Grab another Cosmic Radiation, replay Alfred (you're doing all this in your recruit step). Exhaust the characters again putting counters on Rigged Elections, pop Alfred back.

Basically you've got enough resource points to keep playing Alfred and you'll get 25 counters on Rigged Elections that turn guaranteed. It's just a matter of keeping enough characters out so on turn 5 you can go for the win, but I've seen it win pretty consistently in the past and when it's hot it definitely wins a lot faster than the other version that was making it's rounds.
What ever happned to Xavier's Dream? I still have mine, (proxied out) But I don't get to use it much. I always forget where I've put it.:D
Easiest way to beat it, play titans. Use roy 1 drop, match their swarm on turn 3 with dawn or hank boosted, terra is god, so is 3 drop roy and 6 drop starfire. burn with red star with extra resource points. Finishing move helps; gets rid of the dr. and black hand. Play betreyals in response to the team-up.

case and point, cover fires and helping hands don't help when your opponent's characters are being stuned by card effects instead of battle

You can also play the child lock deck and pwn on turn 7

or you can play new school and pwn with doom + press the attack on turn 8
Titans is a really tough matchup for G-Lock, I'm testing a second Breaking Ground in order to get rid of Titans Tower and to try and slow down Terra. Green Arrow helps against Speedy and Dawn, and I keep my guys ready so I can Lanterns in Love in response to Finishing Move. As long as i hit my curve and can Dr. Light someone onto the field every turn, I can usually match up with their swarm, and even go on the offensive a little by Turn 4 or 5.
[ycard="PGD-058" said:
Helpoemer[/ycard]316]It's pretty much a GLEE stall deck.

Would you be able to give me a link to a decklist for this deck or any of the decks in this post. I am new to the game and I look at net decks to get to know the cards and their interactions. Any help is appreciated.
exiledforcefreak said:
I can see how green arrow stops dawn but how exactly does it stop speedy?
Since Speedy's a 1 drop, they either have to use him before you can KO him with GA's effect, or if you don't have any 1 drops on the field, then you can KO him before bringing out any more 1 drops. Either way, he's in the KO'd pile, and most Titans builds only run one copy of him.
babyarm said:
Titans is a really tough matchup for G-Lock, I'm testing a second Breaking Ground in order to get rid of Titans Tower and to try and slow down Terra. Green Arrow helps against Speedy and Dawn, and I keep my guys ready so I can Lanterns in Love in response to Finishing Move. As long as i hit my curve and can Dr. Light someone onto the field every turn, I can usually match up with their swarm, and even go on the offensive a little by Turn 4 or 5.

A tough match-up isn't even close, and almost impossible up-hill battle and a substancial amount of luck to beat Titans is more like it....lol

Yesterday, my brother -in-law came over and he is playing G-LOC, at first I played him with the Fan Fun Deck and he beat me twice.... (I got pissed off and threw the deck across the room and my dog ate half the cards.. good riddence).

Anyways, I grabbed the Teen Titans deck because I wanted to win! We played a total of six games and he beat me only in one because I drew no locations + plot-twists. The other five were all mine, most of the games went to turn 10 approx. Roy Harper is the MAN!!!! I managed to pop MOGO and Guy Gardner in one turn....buwahahahahaha....
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