I've written a Vs Basics in the Vs Guides section of the forums that some have found helpful. I wrote it to be more descriptive then the basic rule book, but to be less lengthy then the Comprehensive Rules and more conversational. Even so I still recommens that you download the Comprehensive Rules and look them over each time a new set is released. They update it for every set release, as it seems they plan on intriducing new powers each set.
The article I wrote is also written from the prespective of someone who has played
Yu-Gi-Oh! VS is largely based on Magic: The Gathering's templating, and as such, has different and more elegant mechanics then
For the moment, I belive, the tournaments are being run in the DC Modern format. The format set up is as follows and chnges from time to time (Guys, correct me if I'm worng here):
Modern Age - Two most recent sets & two most recent starter decks
Silver Age - Four most recent sets & two most recent starter decks
Golden Age - All sets, all starter decks
If say for example, Marvel Modern is the current format, then that's the two most recent Marel sets. he sets so far have been released like starting with the most recent first:
Marvel X-Men
DC Justice Lueague
Marvel Avengers
DC Green Lantern
Marvel Knights
DC Superman Man of Steel
Marvel Web of Spiderman
DC Origens
Marvel Origens
And there are only two starter decks anyway, so the Batman and Fantastic Four Starter Decks would be inculded in any of those formats.
Oh yeah, rules documentation can be found at
It's not the most searchable set up, but there arent' that many ruling to look through, so it's not quite as horrific as it seems.