Ghandipants Redux


New Member
Deck Name: Ghandipants Redux
Author: Simon
Count: 40

Monsters: 14

Magician of Faith
Magician of Faith
Mask of Darkness
Morphing Jar
Morphing Jar #2
Morphing Jar #2
Morphing Jar #2
Needle Worm
Needle Worm
Needle Worm
Swarm of Scarabs
Swarm of Scarabs
Swarm of Locusts

Book of Moon
Book of Taiyou
Book of Taiyou
Card Destruction
Graceful Charity
Level Limit - Area B
Nightmare's Steelcage
Nightmare's Steelcage
Swords of Revealing Light
The Shallow Grave
The Shallow Grave
The Shallow Grave

Desert Sunlight
Desert Sunlight
Desert Sunlight
Gravity Bind
Gravity Bind
Solemn Judgment
Solemn Judgment
Solemn Judgment
Threatening Roar
Threatening Roar
Wall of Revealing Light
Wall of Revealing Light

Side Deck:15
Chain Disappearance
Chain Disappearance
Giant Trunade
Giant Trunade
Giant Trunade
Heavy Storm
Limiter Removal
Messenger of Peace
Threatening Roar

Cyber End Dragon
Cyber Twin Dragon
Thousand-Eyes Restrict

I guess I might as well write an explanation for this deck. THe sidedeck is obvious as I would side out the majority of the deckout cards and put in the cyberstein while maintaining my stall cards.

The only major problems I come across are MS Lv2 and Jinzo. Jinzo, if my timing is right, can be taken care of by Solemn judgement and/or Morphing Jar #2. MS Lv2, ideally, would be stopped by my walls, nightmare stellcages and desert sunlights and if i need to, chain disappearance. I don't run any reloads of the sort as I am constantly giving myself -1 and I usually have lots of options in my hands.

The goal is obvious. Stall Stall Stall, deckout deckout deckout. The best thing in here, since I don't have cyberjar is to tsuku-needle everything OR to tsuku-mask threatening roar.

EDIT: made some changes to what I want to see in there. This should be close to what my final build would be.
Stop copying my phrases, damnit. =)

Anyway, Look for those extra cards that I don't have that you know I need. =P
Excellent Ghandipants build, one of my favorite decktypes. The only things I'd note here is that you might wanna try cutting a Wall for a Roar, but it's not necessary...and in addition, if you can find them/have them, swap out Taiyou and a Steelcage for Anti-Spell Fragrance; it's simply amazing in here, as you have so much non-spell stall to back you up.

Beyond that, incredible job.
I don't want to take away too much from the decking out although Anti-Spell Fragrance is a good idea. I honestly can't spare the space.
Yeh, hence why I suggested cutting Taiyou and Steelcage for them. Three Steelcages aren't that necessary, and Taiyou is often not needed, as Sunlight does it better, and your stall allows you to manual flip most of the time anyway. Taiyou's a bad topdeck, so unless you're goin for some kind of OTK where you NEED to flip up that mon's just kinda risky in doubles. THis isn't a super-fast deck(though it can be), so it should focus on consistency, not speed. Thus, Anti-Spell Fragrance. All the cards that hate this deck, save for Royal COmmand, are spells, and often times, all you need is ONE turn to regain the board, and that's what ASF gives you.

Either way, it's still an amazing build you have; almost identical to my own. Props abound.
My experience with my build is that in game 2, assuming that I decide not to use my sidedeck, they have a lot of counters for me.

Plus the fact that i seem cursed to not hit my desert sunlights at all when i actually need them, I use my Taiyou to flip my morphing jars and needleworms for just the right amount of cards to screw up their hand and field.

I will consider your idea though....assuming that I can actually find those stupid anti-spell fragrances.
Speak of the devil, I actually traded for one last night. =P

I'll just tech one in and see if it affects things at all.