Ghost rider

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guess what?
so yeah just got back from watching ghost rider and i thought it was o.k. not the best but not the worst *cough*cat women*cough* sorry i'm allergic to cats no really i am, but i just wanted to know if anybody here went to see it (cuz it did make like [size=-1]$52 million[/size]) and what they thought about it [size=-1]
I like Catwoman, What was wrong with Catwoman? Halle Berry can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned. :drool
my girlfriend is the real catwoman. Halle berry comes in a distant second to her. And I just got ghost rider and have yet to watch it. i will give my opinion later.
Just saw the film... it was an utter disappointment... sigh... especially the "fight" scenes and the ending... SIGH...
Ojimaru said:
Just saw the film... it was an utter disappointment... sigh... especially the "fight" scenes and the ending... SIGH...

You know why? cause they tried to cram an entire comic into a movie and they tried to , HEAVEN FORBID, stick to the storyline!!!
Digital Jedi said:
I like Catwoman, What was wrong with Catwoman? Halle Berry can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned. :drool

Dude, Halle Berry can do no wrong, that's understandable, let her act in movies like Swordfish, Gothika, and any others, Halle Berry is one of my favourite actresses...but when she agrees to do films about comic book super heroes that destroy everything i know about those superheroes *where exactly is Batman in Catwoman, because we know that she first interacted with him**X-men* and also apply so much SpecialFX that Halle is no longer on screen but instead there is a computer double. but Halle Berry rocks.
Different Catwoman. Selina Kyle (Michelle Pfeiffer) is actually in the pictures of Catwoman throughout the ages that fall on the floor in that old lady's house. She's a different Catwoman.

Honestly, I don't remember the plot. I just remember that costume. Once you put Halle Berry in that costume, you don't need a plot.

Anyone see when they handed out the awards for worst film ever? No one ever shows up for those for obvious reasons. Halle showed up anyway with her Oscar in hand. With an award in each hand she graciously accepted the award and... well, I don't remember anything after they showed a clip again...
I have to say that while Ghostrider was "okay" was at least worth the matinee price and a far sight better than the first Fantastic Four movie! Let's hope Silver Surfer steps it up a few notches for Marvel character based movies or it's going to be a short run (at least in my mind)
There was only one flaw with the Fantastic Four movie that killed it, when you think about. Cause, come on, you can't nail the FF any better then they did. Micheal Chiklis as the Thing? A drop dead gorgeous Sue Storm? A young hot headed Torch. And, of course, a Reed who doesn't go over the top with that quirky persona of his. All that and the good Special Effects and it should have nailed it. But it didn't, for one very important reason.

They screwed up on Dr. Doom.

And they'll never learn, some of these guys. I don't care how successful Ultimate FF was, you don't need to tie the bad guys origin to the the hero's in order for him to want to fight them. Their heroes. It's kind of what they do. Doom should have been the greatest villain to ever hit the silver screen. We're talking about the guy who outwitted Mephisto. The guy who never gets defeated, he only suffers setbacks. A master wizard second only to Dr. Strange. A technological genius second only to Reed. This guy tried to steal Galactus AND the Beyonder's powers at the same time. Probably the most dangerous villain of all time. And they made him some second rate electro-metal loon with poor dialogue and some strange, senseless tie in to the FF's creation. He could have been written far better.

But, at least, this is the movie Nick Cage didn't do well in, and not the one he was originally going to get. Anyone remember who Nick Cage came this close to playing on the silver screen originally? This is just a friendly reminder of what almost was:

well saying that dj if cage was in superman returns it couldnt have been worse than it was.

And yeah i mean come on what the hell with doc doom is right. The doc was king of all things evil. Thing is though I can understand why they wanted to tie him in with them. Its simply cos they didnt wanna have to make 2 seperate creation stories. But even if they had doom and reed will always have reasons to fight each other. hell they never liked each other in that world or any other. Ah well. Hopefully next time they do a comic into a movie they will have fans do the story.
Separate origins will work in a movie. You just gotta be willing to make it a longer film. I'm noticing the less successful comic and genre films out there, are the ones who've not taken the time to develop their characters and tried to squeeze a lot of content into the old 1:30 to 1:45 format. Honestly, I don't what they were thinking making Eragon so short. I've never even read the book, and I could tell they were rushing the plot to make it all fit. It should have been given the Lord of the Rings treatment and it would have been far more successful. Audiences nowadays want more meat and potatoes with their story lines, even if it's just a good ol' slugfest.
I'm sorry....I HAVE to say it...I think Nick Cage has got to be THE most boring, monotone (voice and expression) "actor" I've ever seen. I make it a habit to avoid going to anything he's in because he's so unbelievable in any role he protrays due to his lack of emotion, expression, and inability to verbalize the same....however, for some reason he appeared alright in Ghostrider...I suppose it's because anyone who faces the Devil on a daily basis has to become pretty unemotional and unfeeling if they want to move to the next minute....which fits him perfectly.
Nick Cage unemotional? Hrm. Well, maybe you've seen some a lot of the fims he's played it straight in. Cause he was a complete lunatic in Face Off. One of my favorite films. Don't get me wrong. I like Nick Cage. He just isn't cut out to plat certain roles. Like, you wouldn't cast Monique to play Wonder Woman or Angelina Jolie to play Harry Truman.
DJ if there was a savage dragon movie Signs dont look good for that to happen but humor me) who do ya think would be good in that one?
Hey, what happened to my post. I must have closed the window before hitting save. Crimeny! (Crimeny! -Expletive. Comic Book swear that no real person uses. See: Cripes!)

I was going to say it would have to be someone big and funny. So that excludes Monique right there. I'd have to go with The Rock. Hrm. I'll have to photoshop that someday. Wait. Dragon's not short is he? My Dragon comics are all buried under Rubbermaid containers. I don't think he was short.

Oh yeah. Halle Berry should play that dark skinned girl he used to date. What?
his bio at the end of issue 30 says he is 5"10" (6"6" at the top of his fin). Also halle berry as rapture could work. That is as long as halle berry is 5"7" (according to raptures bio in issue 31
I personally think Nick Cage is a pretty good actor. Gone in 60 seconds he was good, Face Off he was good, and I can't wait till Next comes out. I'll see that one on opening day. But I really can't say about Ghost Rider. Haven't seen it yet.
I had this long argument with a guy who said Face-Off was crap and an example of how bad an actor Nick Cage was. He was one of those loud, group controlling individuals who had the group agreeing with him on the force of his personality alone. Well, everyone except me that is. I pointed out that just because he didn't like Cage didn't mean he WAS a bad actor, and that most people I know liked Face-Off, not to mention the box office. But I can't discuss movies with people nowadays. Everyone wants to hate everything, and give no good reason as to why. Everyone's a film critic without the resume. And they tend to be the loudest ones. Honestly, if you find that many movies to be that awful, then maybe, just maybe, you don't like movies. Stop renting DVDs!
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