Gladiator effect question


One of my friends is building a Gladiator deck and he wants to know, if a Gladiator attacks a monster and is destroyed (Say the Gladiator is 1400 and the opposing monster is 1600) Does the Gladiators effect (Return to the deck and special summon one Gladiator Beast to the field) activate or does the Gladiator die with no effect?

It's kind of a time sensitive issue as he wants to use the Gladiator deck at a local tournament this weekend.

Thanks guys.
So it's destroyed and can't use the "If it attacks it can go to the deck" effect.

Just for absolute clarity on this.

I mean, this is what I told him but He wants more than just my word.
Okay. Sending the Gladiator Beast to the Deck in order to Special Summon another is a cost. It is not an effect. Gladiator Beasts Octavius is an effect, but Alexander, Sparticus, et al. are costs. In order to pay the cost to get the effect, the Gladiator Beast MUST be Face-up on the Field.

Check or the UDE FAQ for the rulings. One will say that the Gladiator Beasts mentioned cannot use their effect if they are made to be Face-down by an effect when they attack. Moreover, their effects are neither Graveyard, nor RFP. They can only activate their effect when they are Face-up on the Field by paying the cost of sending them to the Deck (not much of a cost if we sent them from the GY anyway) at the prescribed time (which is at the end of the entire Battle Phase, potentially much later than the individual Battle/Damage Steps) after they fulfill their condition (of battling).

So, short story: If the attacking Gladiator Beast dies in the battle, it goes to the Graveyard. From there, it cannot be used as a cost for its effect.

Hope that clarifies.
Instead of making a new thread, I hope it's ok if I ask this here.

What's the difference between Defensive Tactics and Waboku? They look the same to me, is the only reason why DT is so expensice is because its a Holofoil?

Waboku seems better to me because I don't think I'd want to redraw a trap card later on. I dunno, any thoughts?

Better yet, I'd probably just run Threatoning Roar.
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The negative is you need a Gladiator Beast on the Field to activate it. The positive is that, when spent, it goes to the bottom of the deck, rather than the Graveyard. Mainly, it is the foil + newness that people like. There are some neat tricks you can do with it, but not worth rearranging your deck to accomidate the tricks.
krishna said:
any thoughts?
Waboku > Threatening Roar... since it can be activated even after your opponent declares an attack and it can be used offensively if your monster has the same ATK as the monster you're attacking. Threatening Roar, if activated in response to an attack only stops subsequent attacks that turn...
I've been thinking and thinking about the card Defensive Tactics lately. I suppose the reason why you'd want to put it back in your deck is so that you can reuse it later on with your weaker Gladiator beast monsters, since they then can Tag out for someone bigger. I suppose that's pretty useful. Plus, if you use the weaker one who can tag out for 2 beasts instead, you'd definatly want to be able to redraw a card like that so that you don't end up drawing out before your opponent.
Waboku > Threatening Roar... since it can be activated even after your opponent declares an attack and it can be used offensively if your monster has the same ATK as the monster you're attacking. Threatening Roar, if activated in response to an attack only stops subsequent attacks that turn...
Threatening Roar has different strategic value, but I personally wouldn't place one over the other. It all depends, as they say, on what your trying to do. With Roar, you can go ahead and activate it at the start of the Battle Phase, before they've declared an attack and prevent any attacks that turn. With Waboku, you often wait to see if they declare an attack. Sometimes that's good, sometimes that's bad. I tend to think of Threatening Roar as a supplement to Waboku. Same with Defensive Tactics. I don't see why you couldn't run both or all three in some combination, just to give yourself that many options.