Got my original account running.


New Member
It is so good to see the site back up. Hoping to see some old friends again. Anybody from the golden era still around?
Hey, I'm glad you got it working! I thought that might be the case when I saw part 2 yesterday, but I didn't see your comment till just now. Either way, welcome back!

There's a few old times still around. Roll call!
When was the Golden Era?

Most of the time I spent here was during the 2004-2006 time frame. The original site developed from one of the Original Netreps for Yugioh Card Rulings. UDE was very difficult to get answers from, and this community did quite a bit to ensure newer players had somewhere to come to get the best answers and better understand the game. People like John Danker, Cropz, Dillie-O, Novastar, Skey23, Slither, Masterwoo0, DaGuyWitBluGlasses, Drzero7, and of course Digital Jedi made this the place to get the hard questions answered and ensured better consistency from a community constantly reeling from faulty player's guides, uninformed judges, insanely inconsistent rulings and the utter nonsense you could find at sites like Pojo.

My sons have long since put aside the cards and I haven't bought a pack in close to 6 years now. But the knowledge and mechanics of the game were learned here and I really enjoyed the discussions and fraternity I found working through advancing my knowledge of the game and ensuring my local tournaments went smoothly.
I always liked that we could ask the obscure, situational questions and hash them out and sometimes get the Level Judges to ask for rulings for those situations. Till Konami told the judges to stop asking for situations that weren't specifically coming up during a tournament. The thing they didn't realize was, those situational one-offs helped us better understand the game for when other similar, more likely situations arose.