Hallowed Life Barrier Issues

Maester Bacman

New Member
Quotes taken from [UDE YGO Judge's List] Digest Number 594      Message: 2    Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004

Well, there is something that I don't like about the fact that ""Hallowed Life Barrier" does not protect monsters like "Waboku"."

Looking at the text of the card: "Discard 1 card from your hand. During this turn, any damage you take from your opponent becomes 0."

It is clear that "You = you. Not your monsters. You are not a Mega Thunderball, you are a human being."

OK, but my opponent's damage to my life points includes his monsters damage from direct attacks and my crashes against his monsters in my attacks. It seems that opponent's damage against my life points include his monsters damage against my life points.

So, I see it as: "any damage you [my life points, not my monsters] take from your opponent [his direct damage, his damage from attacking monsters and my crashes against his monsters] becomes 0"

To sum up, I am looking at "your opponent" as a bigger entity than "you", since he includes his monsters against me, which is something I can't do. My opponent looks like the Mega Thunderball. And I think they should be equal entities.

I'm sorry if this doubt is very odd, but I would be happy to get any help.

Thanks.  :)
I'll explain Hallowed Life Barrier how I do to anyone else... and it's not that confusing really.

Hallowed Life Barrier is a Kuriboh effect against attacking monsters, this meaning if a monster of yours is destroyed, say Gemini Elf attacked your La Jinn. Your La Jinn would still be destroyed, but you would not take the 100 LP damage.

Hallowed Life Barrier also works against effect damage cards, such as Ring of Destruction and even Chaos Emperor Dragon. If your opponent activates Ring, you can chain Hallowed Life Barrier and you would not take any damage from Ring, however your opponent still would.

For CED, your opponent pays 1000 LP to activate it's effect, you chain to the spell speed 1 effect with Hallowed Life Barrier, your opponent just paid 1000 LP and sent every card to the graveyard for basically no reason now, because you're not taking a bit of damage from that CED.

So that's how it works, it's pretty simple, not that hard to comprehend.
Man... I cant believe you got rid of Hallowed Life Barrier for Invader of Darkness (especially since I have six of those horrid cards) and that you prefer Waboku.

Waboku is a good card, but doesnt protect against effect damage. For instance, my opponent had me down to under 1000 life points, he was at about 1700 and he had Dark Magician of Chaos, Magical Scientist, Ojama King, Sorcerer of Dark Magic and Blade Knight on the field.

He had Sorceror pumped up with Mage Power and on my turn, I summon AMAZON SWORDS WOMAN!!!! :evil: Game Over, right? Wrong... I attack Sorcerer of Dark Magic and he flips Hallowed Life Barrier!!!!

Sucks to be me at that point :cry:
Or even counter those beefed up WaveMotion Cannons, that you couldn't get rid off due to some bad drawing.
Burns, like Jeff said are predominate right now and HLB is one of the best counters for it......Side deck at least 2 I feel as it may save you some serious damage.

I'm out!!
Hi. I thank you all for your replies. Unfortunately, It seems that I haven't been clear enough. I know about the effect and the ruling, things the card can and cannot do. My real question is:

Looking at the text of the card: "Discard 1 card from your hand. During this turn, any damage you take from your opponent becomes 0."

According to the ruling, this means that:

"You" = Me and not my monsters.
"Your opponent" = He and his monsters.

Why is "Your opponent" a bigger entity than "You"?
Why the opponent includes his monsters for the effect, if I can't include mine? [refering to battle damage]
Why my opponent seems to have a Mega Thunderball behavior?

That is the thing that bothers me.

Sorry for all the confusion. I'll try to be more precise next time.
Thanks.  :)
It puts it that way because your opponent deals direct damage through effect cards, plus an opponent's monsters are always "Your opponents" as well. It's just a crazy way to word it, but you understand it, run with it, ;).
Halllowed Life barrier works good against one of those FTK Scientist/Turtle decks. Wait for them to sac all their monsters, then befeore the finishing sacrifice, spring hallowed life barrier and then just attack scientist next turn.
I think I get what you're saying, and I've been thinking about it, and here's the explanation I've come up with. Both "you" and "your monsters" can take damage respectively, so you taking damage and your monsters taking damage are two completely different things. Your opponent cannot deal damage alone. He must deal damage through the use of attacking monsters and card effects. So basically, you can take damage without your monsters taking damage, but for your opponent to deal damage, he or she must use monsters to attack/card effects that deal damage.
Jeff Richardson said:
If you don't at least sidedeck it against burn, you could be hurting. You can have a real productive turn while chain energy's on the field with that card.

if what I understand what your sayng is correct....you are saying that you feel you could use Hallowed life barrier to stop chain energy from damaging your lp.

This is not true since you are not receiving any damage from the Card Chain Energy. Chain energy merely sets up a asituation where you must pay 500 lp to activate, set, or summon (special included) a card from your hand. So you cannot use Halloed Life Barrier to negate the effect of you losing lp due to chain energy making you "pay".
Well...the Japanese Ruling (I have several Japanese Duelists as friend online, so we talk a lot about differences in the same cards between the two countries) is That Hallowed Life Barrier is a Beefed Up Waboku. It is SUPPOSED to protect your Monsters as well as your Life Points. Otherwise this card is going to be worthless when Rise of the Duelist comes out.

Pikeru's Magic Ring
until the End Phase All Effect Damage Done to you by your Opponent is reduced to 0.

That card right there is a Cheaper (and Better uunder the current ruling) Version of Hallowed Life Barrier

This is a Card coming out in the Next Set.
Well, Kevin Tewart has repeatedly stated that Hallowed Life Barrier does not protect monsters and that this is how the card is played in Japan as well. It only prevents damage to you. Pikeru's Magic Ring is weaker than Hallowed Life Barrier in that it doesn't protect against Battle Damage. Hallowed Life Barrier simply eliminates all damage to you for the turn, including both Battle and Effect damage.
Kevin Tewert also knows that it is a fact that the JERP states differently, which is where this confusion is coming from. I would absolutely go by the current UDE ruling.

However, To say "that is the way it is played in Japan" is an overestimation.