Hello my peeps!

What is up everybody? My names Kim, and I live in Georgia. Just signed up a few days ago, so excited! Well, would be if i had a computer and wasn't afraid the school would block this web site. Anyway, just here chillin', hoping to chat it up on the forums. Right now, so bored. First period SUCKS, i got home ec. Sure, i'm a girl, but i HATE cooking. Pray for me, will ya?
Greetings Fire Masta!!!

Welcome to the City, we'll see what happend with the firewall and hopefully they won't shut you down like they did me at work 8^D

What deck do you currently run, are you a fire based duelist?
What's your favorite card?

Make yourself at home and we hope to see more of you here in the city!
Hello Kim. Greetz from just a few miles North.

Hopefully you don't run into any problems. I can't imagine why they'd block us from a school, so let us know (at least by email) how it goes. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and check us out, and we hope to see some of your deck ideas. Maybe you can even give the Magic section a shot in the arm. Necromancer is just learning the game and I'm sure she could use a few tips. We haven't had a lot of folks who frequent here enough to help her out.

In any case, hope you enjoy the amenities we have at the site, and let us know what we can do to improve things or if you need anything. Good to meet ya, and welcome to CoG.
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Welcome to the city Kim, hope your stay here is as pleasurable as it can be :)
Thanks everyone! I run a wind deck and a fire deck right now actually. Also, i run a token based deck in magic =D. Don't really like magic, it's too slow for me, but i'm pretty good at it. I'll post my deks as soon as i get them back. (i just moved out of my parents house and most of my stuff is still there)

So far, no blockage. yay!
haha, not a reference to cooking... a Cookie Cutter deck is a deck that everyone is using in the tourneys and not one that they built themselves but one copied from the internet or local tourney or whatever. Like right now... Dark Armed Dragon decks are becoming the main Cookie Cutter deck.
haha, not a reference to cooking... a Cookie Cutter deck is a deck that everyone is using in the tourneys and not one that they built themselves but one copied from the internet or local tourney or whatever. Like right now... Dark Armed Dragon decks are becoming the main Cookie Cutter deck.

oh i see what you mena. i don't like those kinds of decks, their too easy to beat because everyone has them so you know what to expect already. i like looking through and hand selecting cards to build my decks, i used to do an earth/swarming deck, but right now i love wind and fire decks because of a yu-gi-oh game for the GBA.